Professor and Director of the Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)
Full Time Faculty

Prof. Nazmun Nahar, PhD., SFHEA, FIEB

Ph.D., Purdue University, USA
M. Sc., Engg., Purdue University, USA
B. Sc., in civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)

Phone: +880-2-55668200 Ext: 1983

Curriculum Vitae :


Dr. Nazmun Nahar, P.Eng., FIEB has joined the North South University (NSU) as an Associate Professor in 2013. Prior to her joining, she served as a member of the Co-ordination Committee formed to establish the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at NSU. Dr. Nazmun is a Registered Professional Engineer (P.Eng.) in Canada. She has over fifteen years of experience in research, teaching and consulting in North America. Dr. Nazmun is an expert in the areas of Integrated Stormwater Management Planning (ISMP), Floodplain analysis and management, Highway and Airport Drainage Design, sophisticated 1- and 2-dimensional hydrologic and hydraulic modeling and analysis, assessment of the use of Best Management Practices (BMP) for stormwater control, and development of low impact (LID) stormwater strategies. After graduating from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) in 1995, Dr. Nazmun joined Purdue University, a top ranking engineering university in USA as a Graduate research student to pursue PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering. She focused on hillslope hydrologic processes and examined the impact of ‘run-on’ on surface runoff, sediment transport and contaminant transport. Her findings were published in internationally peer reviewed journals, book chapter and conference proceedings. With a successful career in industry, Dr. Nazmun returned to academia and joined the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT), one of the oldest engineering institutes in Canada. At BCIT, she taught water resources and environmental engineering courses and served as a supervisor for final year ‘Capstone’ projects. Dr. Nazmun is a  Life Fellow of Institute of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB) and has been involved with other national and international professional organizations. Since 2016, Dr. Nazmun is serving as the Director of Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of North South University. She has developed keen interest in higher education quality and in 2024, she became a 'Senior Fellow' (SFHEA) of Advance HE, a UK based global organization, which works with higher education institutions around the world to improve higher education for staff, students and society.   

Research and Publications

Dr. Nahar's  ORCID ID is 0000-0001-5394-2673 

Research Projects

2019-2020 - “Determining a contextual Green Roofing system for existing Urban Rooftops in Dhaka ”-working as Co-PI, collaborative research with Ms. Ismat Hossain, Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, North South University. (Research budget 4 lacs BDT, funded by NSU)

2019-2021 - “Assessment of Impact of Ashulia Brick Kilns’ Emission on the Neighbouring Environment’s Soil Quality.” – working as Co-PI, collaborative research with Dr. Shama E Haque, Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, North South University.(Research budget 5 lacs BDT, funded by NSU)

2020-2021 - “Understanding Student engagement at North South University: A mixed methods study for student centered, inclusive and quality learning in higher education” – working as PI, collaborative research with Dr. Nazlee Siddiquey (Assoc. Professor, Management), Dr. Muhammed Sahadet Hossain (Assoc. Professor, Mathematics and Physics), Dr. Ahmed Tazmeen (Asst. Professor, Economics) and Ms. Rifat Iqbal (Lecturer, Management), North South University. (Research Fund 3 lacs by NSU)

2021-2022 - "Water Management in Textile Industries of Bangladesh: Reuse and Recycle" , working as PI and Co PI is Dr Shama E Haque. ( Research Fund 5 lacs by NSU)

2021-2022 - " Recycling Potential of Construction and Demolition Waste: Challenges and Opportunities in Dhaka City", Co- PI, PI is Dr Shama E Haque. ( Research fund 4 lacs bdt by NSU)

2023-2024 - " Investigating the household waste management chain from source (generation) to end (disposal): Case Study Dhaka City ", PI, Co-PI is Dr Shama E Haque. ( Research fund 5 lacs bdt by NSU)

2023-2024 - " Evaluating the Present Condition of Multi-Purpose Cyclone Shelters and Their Limitations in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, for Improving Community Resilience", Co-PI, PI is Dr Shama E Haque. ( Research fund 5 lacs bdt by NSU)

Completed Graduate Research

"Development of Integrated Hydrological Landscape Framework for Water Sensitive Urban Design : A Case of Eastern Part of Dhaka Metropolitan Area" by Ayesha Siddiqua, Department of Architecture, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, (Co supervised with Professor Dr. Farida Nilufar, Dept of Architecture, BUET).

Journal papers

  1. Siddiqui, N., Nahar, N., Hossain, M. S., Tazmeen, A., & Ali, K.S. (2024). Context-specific adaptation of a student engagement measure: a case study of a private university in Bangladesh. Cogent Education, 11(1).
  2. Nazmun Nahar., Md. Sazzadul Haque., and Shama E Haque. (2024). Groundwater conservation, and recycling and reuse of textile wastewater in a denim industry of Bangladesh. Water Resources and Industry.
  3. Haque, S.E., Nahar, N. & Haque, M.S. (2024). A study on the waste generation rates and recycling potential for the construction and demolition waste in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 196, 183.
  4. Haque, S.E., Nahar, N., Chowdhury, N.N. Sayanno, T.K., Ha, M.S. (2024). Geomorphological changes of river Surma due to climate change. International Journal of Energy and Water Resources.
  5. Haque, S.E., Nahar, N. (2023). Bangladesh: Climate Change Issues, Mitigation and Adaptation in the Water Sector, ACS ES&T Water.
  6. Haque, S.E., Shahriar, M.M., Nahar, N., Haque, M.S. (2022). Impact of Brick Kiln Emissions on Soil Quality: A Case Study of Ashulia Brick Kiln Cluster, Bangladesh. Environmental Challenges, 2022-10. DOI: 10.1016/j.envc.2022.10064
  7. Md. Sazzadul Haque,Nazmun Nahar*, Sayed Md. Sayem (2021). Industrial Water Management and Sustainability: Development of SIWP Tool for Textile Industries of Bangladesh”; ‘Water Resources and Industry’ (25).
  8. Shama E. Haque*, Nazmun Nahar, Sadia Chowdhury, Ali S. Sakib, Ahsan Saif  (2020). Impacts of Partial Relocation of Hazaribagh Tannery on the Environment and Human Health: Focus on Children and Vulnerable Population”. International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management Vol 8, No 1, 2020 (eISSN: 2321-2543).
  9. 9. N. Nahar, R.S. Govindaraju, C. Corradini and R. Morbidelli (2008). A Numerical Evaluation of the Role of Run-on on Sediment Transport over Heterogenous Hillslopes. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, Vol. 13(4), pp 215-225.
  10. 10. N.Nahar, R.S. Govindaraju, C. Corradini and R. Morbidelli (2003). Role of Run-on for Describing Field-Scale Infiltration and Overland Flow Over Spatially Variable Soils. Journal of Hydrology, Vol 286/1-4 pp 36-51. 

Book Chapter

1. Haque, S.E., Nahar, N. (2021). The Partial Relocation of Hazaribagh Leather Processing Industries – A Critical Overview of Recent Environmental and Public Health Concerns. Disaster, Environment and Health. Published by the Institute of Disaster Management and Vulnerable Studies, University of Dhaka.

2. Govindaraju, R.S., N. Nahar, ,C. Corradini, and R. Morbidelli (2005). Infiltration and Run-on under Spatially Variable Hydrologic Properties,” in Handbook of Groundwater Engineering, ed. J.W. Delleur.

International Conference Proceedings

  1. Gazi-Khan, L., Haque, M.S., Nahar, N., Haque, S.E. (2023). Wastewater Recycling of a Bangladeshi Denim Factory: A Case Study. Paper ID: 001 WasteSafe, 8th International Conference on Integrated Solid Waste & Faecal Sludge Management. Khulna University of Engineering & Technology, Bangladesh; Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany; University of Padova, Italy; International Waste Working Group.
  2. N. Nahar, N. Siddiqui, S. Hossain, A. Tazmeen, K. S. Ali. (2022). Path to Outcome Based Higher Education in Bangladesh: an Analysis of Student Engagement and Sociodemographic factors, EDUCON 2022- IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, March 29-31, 2022.
  3. Nayeem, S.U., Rashid, H., Habib, M.S., Haque, S.E., Nahar, N. (2022). Identification of construction and demolition waste generation rates and recycling and reuse potential: A case of Dhaka City. Paper ID: 1279, International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering 2022.
  4. Haque, S.E., Shahriar, M.M., Nahar, N., Sakib, A.S., Saif, A., Gomes, A.S., Hasan, A.S., Nezum, S.T., Mahmud, M.H., Ray, T.K., Rashid, H. (2022). Impact of Ashulia brick kilns’ emissions on heavy metals concentrations (cadmium, chromium and nickle) in the neighboring soil environment. Proceedings of International Conference on Research & Innovation in Civil Engineering. Paper ID 82. South University, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
  5. Nahar, R.S. Govindaraju, C. Corradini and R. Morbidelli. (2007). Run-on and Sediment Transport over Hetergeneous Hillslopes,  32nd IAHR Congress, Venice, Italy, 1-6 July 2007. 
  6. N.Naharand R.S.Govindaraju. (2004). Quantifying the Influence of Spatial Variability on the Run-On Process: A Numerical Study,”  World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, Salt Lake City, Utah, 27 June–1 July 1, 2004. 
  7. N.Naharand  R.S.Govindaraju. (2003). Solute Transport by Surface and Subsurface Water with Run-on on Spatially Variable Hillslopes,” . ICHWAM-2002 Conference by J.N.T.University, Hyderabad, India, 18-20 December 2003. 
  8. N.Nahar and R.S.Govindaraju. (2002). Surface Runoff and Infiltration with Run-on on Spatially Variable Hillslopes, Proceedings of the Second Federal Interagency Hydrologic Modeling Conference held in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 28 July-1 August 2002. 
  9. N. Nahar, R.S. Govindaraju. (1999). Influence of First-Order Degradation on Spatial Moments of the PNE/CNE Model, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) International Water Resources Engineering Conference in Seattle, Washington, 8-11 August 1999. 

Presentations and Abstracts

  1. Gazi-Khan, L., Haque, M.S., Nahar, N., Haque, S.E. (2023). Wastewater Recycling of a Bangladeshi Denim Factory: A Case Study. 8th International Conference on Integrated Solid Waste & Faecal Sludge Management, to be held on next 25 to 26 February 2023 organized by Khulna University of Engineering & Technology, Bangladesh; Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany; University of Padova, Italy; International Waste Working Group.
  2. Chowdhury, N.N., Sayanno, T.K., Das, A.R., Ahmed, T., Saad, H.M., Haque, S.E.,Nahar, N. (2023). Climate Change Induced Flood Disasters in Sunamganj. 16th UIU-International Conference on Sustainable Development, Bangladesh.
  3. Rafiq, M.S., Mahmod, A., Mim, F.A., Zayan, M.M. Ahmad, M.F., Nahar, N., Haque, S.E.(2023). Assessment of Different Rainwater Management Approaches for a Textile Industry Located in Narayanganj, Bangladesh. 16th UIU-International Conference on Sustainable Development, Bangladesh.
  4. Habib, T., Rashid, H., Haque, S.E., Nahar, N., Haque, M.S. (2023). Ecological Footprint of the Textile Sector of Bangladesh. 16th UIU-International Conference on Sustainable Development, Bangladesh.
  5. Gazi-Khan, L., As-salek, M.Z.A., Wriddhi, S.S.,Haque, S.E., Nahar, N. (2023). "Household Waste Separation and Public Attitude: A Case Study of Dhaka City. 9th Asian Undergraduate Research Symposium (AURS9). The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Singapore.     
  6. N. Siddiqui, N. Nahar, S. Hossain, A. Tazmeen. (2022). An SDG Agenda: How to motivate Engineering Teachers and Students for Research”, Regional Conference in Civil Engineering & Sustainable Development Goals in Higher Education Institutions 2021 (RCCE & SDGs 2021), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), January 22-23, 2022.
  7. Nayeem, S.U., Rashid, H., Habib, T., Haque, M.S., Haque, S.E., Nahar, N. (2022). Identification of construction and demolition waste generation rates and recycling and reuse potential: A case of Dhaka City. 6th International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering 2022 (ICACE 2022), 21-23 December 2022, CUET, Chittagong.
  8. Habib, T., Rashid, H., Nayeem, S.U., Haque, S.E., Nahar, N. (2022). The Linkage between Improper Construction and Demolition Waste Management and Surface Water Pollution: A Case Study of Dhaka City, Bangladesh. 2022 WEST Conference: Resiliency in Every Drop. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
  9. Rafiq, M.S., Mahmood, A., Zayan, M.M., Mim, F.A., Ahmad, F., Nahar, N., Haque, S.E.(2022). Assessment of Different Rainwater Management Approaches for a Textile Industry Located in Narayanganj, Bangladesh. 2022 WEST Conference: Resiliency in Every Drop. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
  10. Haque, S.E., Shahriar, M.M., Nahar, N., Sakib, A.S., Saif, A., Gomes, A.S., Hasan, S., Nezum, S.T., Mahmud, M.H., Ray, T.K., Rashid, H. (2022). Impact of Ashulia brick kiln’s emissions on heavy metal concentrations (cadmium, chromium and nickel) in the neighboring soil environment. ICRICE Conference Proceedings, Southern University Bangladesh, Chattogram, Bangladesh.
  11. I. Hossain, N. Naharand S.K. Rumpa (2021). Green Roof Systems’ for Dhaka: Collaboration between Academia and Practice to Promote Green Infrastructure Policies, Regional Conference in Civil Engineering and Sustainable Development Goals in Higher Education Institutions 2020, Putrajaya, 23 -25 January 2021.
  12. Gomes, A.L., Saif, A., Hasan, S., Haque, S.E., Nahar, N. (2021). Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Waste Management: A Case Study of Dhaka City in Bangladesh. The 6th Asian Undergraduate Research Symposium, The International Academic Forum, Tokyo, Japan.
  13. Dey,T., Nahar, N. (2021). Using Recycled Ablution Water as Supplementary Storage for Firefighting in Dhaka City,   5th International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering (ICACE), Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (CUET), Bangladesh, March 4-6, 2021.
  14. Islam,S.M., Uddin, M.W., Nahar, N. (2021). Comparative Assessment of Rainwater Management Measures for Large Urban Establishments,  5th International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering (ICACE), Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (CUET), Bangladesh, March 4-6, 2021.
  15. Haque, S.E., Nahar, N. Chowdhury, S., Sakib A.S., Saif, A., Hasan, S. Gomes, A.S., Nezum, S.T. (2021). Evaluation of the effect of partial relocation of Hazaribagh leather industry: focus on the surrounding environment and public health. ICWFM-2021Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  16. I.Hossain, N.Nahar, M.Kamal, S.M.Muhtashim. (2021). Innovative Green Roof Design for Existing Rooftops of Dhaka City to Mitigate the Ongoing Environmental Degradation, International Conference on Science and Technology for Celebrating the Birth Centenary of Bangabandhu (ICSTB-2021), March 11-13, 2021.
  17. Nazmun Nahar, Mohammad Shahadet Hossain, Tania Rahman. (2021). The COVID-19 Crisis Adaptation in Higher Education Model for institutional resilience in higher education in Bangladesh, Society of Transnational Academic Researchers (STAR) 2021 Global Conference, O.P. Gindal Global University, 10 December,2021.
  18. Haque, S.E., Nahar, N., Gomes A.S., Hasan S., Saif, A., Sakib, A.S., Nezum, S.T. (2019). The Impacts of Partial Relocation of Hazaribagh Leather Processing Industries on the Environment and Human Health: Focus on Children and Vulnerable Population. 2019 International Symposium on Environment, Disaster and Health, ‘Health at Risk in the World of Degraded Environment and Disaster.’ The Institute of Disaster Management and Vulnerability Studies, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  19. Nahar, N., Haque, S.E., Hossain, M.O., Aktar, F. (2019). Assessment of Water Supply and Sanitation Condition of Uttara Lake Slum of Dhaka City. 2019 International Symposium on Environment, Disaster and Health, ‘Health at Risk in the World of Degraded Environment and Disaster.’ The Institute of Disaster Management and Vulnerability Studies, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  20. Hossain, S. , Nahar, N., and Tazmeen, A. (2019). Assessment of Existing Teaching Evaluation Process in a Higher Education Institute of Bangladesh,  Conference  In Pursuit of Quality in Higher Education: Challenges Ahead , University of Liberal Arts, Bangladesh ,August 22-23, 2019.
  21. Nahar, N., Hossain, S. and Tazmeen, A. (2018). Establishment of an Effective Institutional Quality Assurance Cell in a Higher Education Institution of Bangladesh: Case Study North South University” ,  International Conference on Quality Assurance in Higher Education 2018 (ICQAHE 2018), February, 2018.
  22. Khan, S. A., Hossain, M. A., Mahjabeen, S., Raisa, F. E., and Nahar, N. (2015). Community Based Rainwater Harvesting in Dhaka City , International conference on Climate Change in relation to Water and Environment [I3CWE-2015], April 2015.


Educational Qualifications
  • Ph.D., Civil Engineering (Hydraulics and Hydrology), Purdue University, 2003
    Research Topic: “Influence of Run-on on Field-scale Surface and Subsurface Water
    and Contaminant Movement over Spatially Variable Hillslopes” Major Professor: Dr. R.S.
  • MS, Civil Engineering (Hydraulics and Hydrology), Purdue University, 1998
    Research Topic: “Influence of First Order Degradation on Spatial Moments of the
    Convection-Dispersion Equation with Kinetic Sorption” Major Professor: Dr. R.S.
  • B.Sc., Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), 1995
Academic Experience
  • Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. September 2018 – to date.
  • Director, Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), North South University, January 2016- to date.
  • Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. September 2013 – August 2018.
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Asia Pacific, Dhaka, Bangladesh. November 2012 – August 2013
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT), Burnaby, BC, Canada.August 2011 – May 2012
  • Water Resources Engineer, Urban Systems Ltd., Richmond, BC, Canada. August 2008 – April 2011
  • Water Resources Engineer, Associated Engineering Ltd., Burnaby, BC, Canada. October 2005 – July 2008
  • Research/Teaching Assistant, Purdue University, Indiana, USA. January 1997-August 2003.
Corporate Experience


Water Resources Engineer

August 2008 – April 2011

Urban Systems Ltd., Richmond, BC, Canada

Water Resources Engineer

October 2005 – July 2008

 Associated Engineering Ltd., Burnaby, BC, Canada

Industry Projects

Integrated Stormwater Management Plan for Old Logging Ditch and Burrows Ditch Watersheds, City of Surrey, BC:

The project involved developing an Integrated Stormwater Management Plan for Old Logging Ditch andBurrows Ditch Watersheds that includes agricultural areas in the north and residential areas in the south. Theobjective of the ISMP was to recommend stormwater management strategies for the upper development thatalso conforms to the lowland management strategy. Major responsibilities included detail hydrologic andhydraulic modelling using MIKE SHE and MIKE 11 under both present and future conditions. MIKE SHE is anintegrated physically based model that simulates different physical processes i.e. infiltration, evaporation,transpiration, and runoff and integrates seamlessly with the hydraulic model in MIKE 11. Responsibilities alsoincluded cost estimates for different management strategies.

Stormwater Servicing Plan for City of Surrey Neighborhoods, BC:

The project involved developing stormwater servicing strategies for neighbourhoods in the City of Surrey (Newton Town Centre; Anniedale / Tynehead). Major responsibilities included hydrologic and hydraulic analysis to develop feasible and efficient servicing strategies focusing on “low impact development”/”best management practices” to reduce runoff volume and provide runoff quality benefits for receiving watercourses. Generally NCP studies involves review of background and site information; simulating runoff conditions with computer modeling; formulating and assessing with the model alternative management strategies; coordination with City staff; reporting; and participation in consultation processes.

Port Mann / Highway 1 Design and Build Project, H5M Consortium, BC :

The Port Mann / Highway 1 Project (PMH1) upgrades the transportation corridor of Canada Highway 1 from approximately Hastings Street (Cassiar Tunnel) in Vancouver to the 200th Street Interchange in the City of Surrey, a distance of roughly 33 kilometers. In addition to constructing a new 10-lane crossing of the FraserRiver, in general the highway will be expanded from 4 to 6 (or 8) lanes and interchanges along the route will be improved. The Project includes improvements to the existing drainage infrastructure within the Project corridor in order to provide a consistent level of service throughout and to avoid or mitigate negative impacts on the highway and on adjacent lands, streams and other drainage infrastructures. Major responsibilities included modelling and assessment of integrity and capacity of the existing drainage system as well as the proposed drainage system to accommodate the proposed highway expansion and reconstruction. The work also includes development of stormwater management plan for two watersheds (out of four) impacted by the change in the existing highway design.

Coquitlam Watershed Review, BC :

The project involved development of a comprehensive drainage plan for the Partridge, Mantle and Fulawka Creeks watersheds. The presence of multiple stakeholders, several occurrences of landslides in the Fulawka Creek and water quality in the CoquitlamRiver are some of the key issues to be dealt with. In consultation with the City, a phased approach was adopted that includes the 1) Scoping study, 2) Comprehensive study and preliminary design and 3) Detailed design and implementation. Phase I was completed in February 2009. Major responsibilities were to review and assess background information and site conditions, identify opportunities and constraints, formulate preliminary mitigative actions, assist with stakeholder communications, and prepare a work program for a suggested course of action. The Phase II work completed in April 2011.

City of Langley Integrated Stormwater Management Plan (ISMP), City of Langley, BC :

The project objective was to develop an Integrated Stormwater Management Plan that primarily included identification of habitat and environmental values, opportunities and constraints, complete assessment of aquatic health and water quality, and review of infrastructure from Asset Management and Capital Planning perspectives. Responsibilities were conducting the analytical works including evaluation of the existing and future land use scenarios and drainage condition, identification of the critical components that should be included in the ISMP, Identification of streams potentially impacted by the development, and managing project schedules and budget.

Country Hills Crossing Staged Master Drainage Plan, Melcor Developments Ltd., AB :

The Staged Master Drainage Plan (SMDP) was developed for the proposed Country Hills Crossing Industrial Development, which is located at the northeast industrial area of Calgary, AB. The 58.23 ha area is predominantly agricultural with the cultivated land in the upper terrace being separated from the grassland in the lower terrace by an escarpment. The Staged Master Drainage Plan includes proposed stormwater detention facilities, overland drainage routes, water quality improvement facilities, and Low Impact Developments (LID) to mitigate the impact of development on the environment.

Hyland Creek Pond 3 Feasibility Assessment, City of Surrey, BC :

The Hyland Creek Integrated Stormwater Management Plan (ISMP) (Urban Systems Ltd., 2007) recommended construction of three ponds to service this area (namely, the northern part of Zone 1 plus Zone 1A). The objectives of Hyland Creek Pond 3 Feasibility Assessment were to determine whether the need for two of these ponds could be eliminated by consolidating the detention storage on a single site in the Newton Town Centre area and what would be the impact of Pond 3 on the stream downstream in terms of erosion.

Greendale Flood Study, City of Chilliwack, BC :

In January 2009, parts of the City of Chilliwack, most notably the Greendale area, experienced severe flooding due to a combination of heavy snowfall and severe rainfall. Due to the severity and atypical nature of the flood, the City wanted to investigate the event. The primary objectives of the investigation were to find out the probable factors that caused this event, the significance of the event and potential remedies to mitigate future damages. MIKE SHE and MIKE 11 were used for the hydrologic and hydraulic modelling.

Integrated Stormwater Management Plan for Erickson Creek, City of Surrey, BC:

The project involved developing an Integrated Stormwater Management Plan for Erickson Creek watershed. This includes agricultural areas in the north and residential areas in the south. Major responsibilities included detail hydrologic and hydraulic modelling using XP-SWMM and GIS and analysis of the drainage conditions under both present and future. The objective of the ISMP was to provide stormwater management strategies for upland development that also conforms to the lowland management strategy.

Flood Plain Bylaw Analysis, City of Kelowna, BC:

The objective of this study was to analyze the 200-year flood profile along the Mill creek and to produce a feasible floodplain map that would lead to establishment of an effective floodplain bylaw in accordance with Section 910 of the Municipal Act. The study involved complex analysis of the dependencies among Mill creek, Mission creek and Okanagan lake systems. For hydraulic analysis and flood plain delineation, HEC-RAS and GIS were used. Responsibilities included management of the project, conduct analysis and provide direction/guidance to the modeller, liaison with client and preparation of the report.

Rodgers and Marr Creeks Integrated Stormwater Management Plan, District of West Vancouver, BC:

The main objective of the project was to develop an Integrated Stormwater Management plan for Rodgers and Marr Creek Watershed in West Vancouver. Major responsibilities included data analysis using GIS and detail hydrologic and hydraulic analysis integrating XP-SWMM and GIS. Prepared draft report including alternative management strategies and recommendations to reduce the impact of development on watershed health and ensure the integrity of the creeks.

Foreshore Improvement Plan for Bermuda International Airport :

This project was intended to develop foreshore improvement plan for Bermuda International Airport. The investigation focused on two main options: grading improvements within the currently available land base including restoration of the existing foreshore retaining wall; and, foreshore infilling and erosion protection to allow relocation of existing South Perimeter Road to an alignment further setback from the runway. Responsibilities included designing shore protection structures, and preparing report.

Harmony Estates Lower Hyde Creek Development, Coquitlam, BC:

Major responsibilities included development of conceptual design of stormwater management plan for a 45-lot subdivision. Assessed pre-and post-development conditions and recommended feasible stormwater management strategies using SWMM 5.0. Recommendation included Low Impact Development techniques with analysis being done in Water Balance Model (WBM). Responsibilities also included dealing with client, and preparing report.

Flood Plain Evaluation for Brooklyn Creek, Town of Comox, BC:

The project involved assessment of the current floodplain condition, and more specifically analysis of the elevation and capacity of the Balmoral Avenue culvert to determine the potential of failure. Also to assess the risk posed by any such failure. Responsible for hydrologic and hydraulic modelling in Visual HYDRO, report preparation including recommendations regarding specific modifications to reduce the risk of failure at the Balmoral Avenue culvert, and evaluating the effects of the Prichard Road high flow diversion. Also investigated whether this infrastructure provides a basis for reducing the Flood Control Levels and setbacks prescribed in the Town Bylaw.

Ernie Winch Park, City of Burnaby, BC:

The main objective of this project was to perform feasibility assessment of Byrne Creek daylighting within Ernie Winch Park in Burnaby. Besides daylighting, other viable options such as having a detention pond or a wetland were considered. Responsibilities included completion of hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of the existing drainage system and feasibility study of daylighting Byrne Creek along with a two-stage water quality pond, management of project schedules and report preparation.

Watershed Yield Study for the City of Nanaimo, BC:

This project involved watershed yield study of Nanaimo watershed. A dam and reservoir was proposed on the SouthNanaimoRiver. The new reservoir would provide additional storage for drought periods and future demands. Major responsibilities included detailed analysis of the watershed yield using UBC Watershed Model. Using daily maximum and minimum temperatures and precipitation data, the UBC Watershed Model calculates daily watershed outflow resulting from snowmelt and rainfall. The effect of climate change on the watershed yield was also investigated as part of the assessment, using the Canadian CGCM3 climate model.

Willoughby Community Park Stormwater Management Plan, Township of Langley, BC:

Developed Stormwater Management Plan for Willoughby Community Park in Township of Langley. The recommended facilities included conceptual design of two-phase detention ponds conforming to the park Master Plan, and Low Impact Developments (LID) to comply with Latimer Creek Master Drainage Plan (MDP). Responsibilities included management of the project, detail modelling and analysis using SWMM 5.0, liaison with client and preparation of final report.

Percy Perry Park Artificial Turf Drainage Investigation, City of Coquitlam, BC:

This project involved investigation of the drainage problem occurring in the Percy Perry Artificial Turf Field. Ponding was observed on the field even during a typical storm event. Responsibilities included detail analysis of different drainage components of the turf field, investigation of the product test results from manufacturers and the designers, management of the project, analysis of the drainage problem, recommendation of possible solutions and report preparation.


Mosaic Homes Stormwater Management Plan, Burnaby, BC: Involved with development of stormwater management plan for redevelopment of a 5.59 ha site. Responsibilities included investigation of available alternatives to manage extreme event runoff. Options included detention storage at two locations within the development site, online detention storage in a nearby gulley, diversion of flows to the adjacent Byrne Creek, and over controlling upland flows to compensate for increased flows resulting from the development. Prepared draft report.

Guildford Detention Pond Review, City of Surrey, BC: Feasibility analysis of a community detention pond proposed at 15399 Guildford Drive in Surrey. Developed detailed hydraulic and hydrologic model based on the City’s GIS database using XP-SWMM. Performed detail analysis of the existing small lot detention facilities and feasibility analysis for the proposed detention pond.

Metropolis Tower 3: Stormwater Management Plan, City of Burnaby, BC: Responsibilities included preparation of stormwater management plan (including estimate for maintenance). Mechanical sub-consultant and landscape architect were also involved with the project.

Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analyses of Ungauged Watersheds throughout BC: Conducted numerous hydrologic and hydraulic analyses of ungauged watersheds throughout BC for resource road development, highways and municipal clients. These assignments have provided the basis for sizing culverts and bridge spans. And included flow estimation using various methods, and frequency analyses using Consolidated Frequency Analysis (CFA) software.


09/2018 to to-date: Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, North South University.
Courses taught:

  • CEE 211: Fluid Mechanics
  • CEE 211L: Fluid Mechanics Laboratory
  • CEE 460: Groundwater Hydraulics
  • CEE 492: Undergraduate Thesis
  • CEE 499: Capstone Project

09/2013 to 08/2018: Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, North South University.
Courses taught:

  • CEE 110: Computer Aided Drawing
  • CEE 100: Introduction to Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • CEE 211: Fluid Mechanics
  • CEE 211L: Fluid Mechanics Laboratory
  • CEE 260: Hydrology
  • CEE 360: Open Channel Flow
  • CEE 360L: Design lab for Open Channel flow
  • CEE 460: Groundwater Hydraulics
  • CEE 467: Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
  • CEE 499: Capstone Project

11/2012 to to-date: Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Asia Pacific (UAP).
Courses taught:

  • CIVL 361: Open Channel Flow
  • CE 363: Engineering Hydrology
  • CE 107: Introduction to Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • CE 222: Open Channel Flow Laboratory  Experiments
  • Supervised four (4) undergraduate theses.

08/2011 to 05/2012: Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT).
Courses taught:

  • CIVL 7060: Introduction to Environmental Engineering (3rd year)
  • CIVL 7062: Water Quality Engineering (4th year)
  • CIVL 7020: Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Science (3rd year)
  • CIVL 7061: Stormwater Management (4th year)
  • Supervised 2nd year and 4th year CAPSTONE projects.

01/2003 to 05/2003: Graduate Teaching Assistant, School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University.
Course taught:

  • CE 344: Storm Sewer System Design.


Membership & Professional Activities
Member, International Water Association (IWA) (1623255)
Fellow, Institute of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB) ( F-1111)
Professional Engineer P.Eng., British Columbia, Canada 


Research and Teaching Interests
  • Industrial Water Management
  • Design of Green Roof In Bangladesh Context
  • Asset Management in Water Resources Engineering
  • Urban drainage
  • Integrated Watershed Management and Planning
  • Development of Best Management Practices (BMP) and Low Impact Development (LID) measures 
  • Higher Education Quality Enhancement

Teaching Interest

  • Fluid Mechanics
  • Engineering Hydrology
  • Open Channel Flow
  • Groundwater Hydraulics
  • River Engineering
  • Hydraulic and Hydrologic Modeling
  • Stormwater Management