NSU Art & Photography Club is a major outlet of creativity for the students in NSU. Since its birth in 1997 the members of this club have worked hard to expose photography to the world and amuse the world with the innovative talents of young artists. NSUAPC was the brainchild of a handful of individuals who had the desire to make a difference by capturing a moment of time in the form of a photograph. Holding the legacy for over 25 years, NSUAPCs goal is to develop quality photographers/artists and to establish a network between professional and amateur photographers/artists. NSUAPC organizes many events, including but not limited to – national and international fieldtrips, photography exhibitions and inter university competitions. NSUAPC’s biggest event – "International Inter University Photography Competition-IIUPE"- is a unique platform for students worldwide. The IIUPE has won the title of the largest photography exhibition organized by a student body in South East Asia.