Center of Excellence in Higher Education
The First Private University in Bangladesh

Program : BS in Economics (Old Curriculum)


BS program emphasizes all round competence in Economics. Students in this program will have all the necessary skills for jobs in the related fields and ability to complete successfully higher studies in Economics at home and abroad.

BS in Economics is a 125 credit hour program including a research paper. These credits are divided into core, elective, and general education courses. Students must complete 42 credits of general education courses, 47 credits of economics core courses, and 33 credits of elective courses (of which 18 credits must be economics courses). In addition, students must take a 3-credit supervised research paper (ECO 495) or internship (ECO 496) coupled with an ECO 400 level course counted under 33 credits of elective courses(and 18 credits of eocnomics courses). If a student takes thesis (ECO 499), one less ECO elective course (3 credits) will be neeeed. 


I. General Education/Science/Liberal Arts/Humanities/Social Science/Business Courses: 42 Credits

(To be completed during the first two years in the program)

A. Compulsory Courses

27 Credits



Intermediate Composition



Advanced Composition



Business Communication



Introduction to Linear Algebra



Applied Mathematics- I



Applied Mathematics-II


MIS 105

Introduction to Computers



Computer Information Systems



Introduction to Environmental and Natural Resource Economics


B. Elective Courses

15 Credits (one 200 level business course, one course from sceince, one course from liberal arts and soical science, two courses from any discipline university-wide)


II. Economics Core Courses: 47 Credits



ECO 101

Introduction to Microeconomics

ECO 104

Introduction to Macroeconomics

ECO 172

Introduction to Statistics

ECO 173

Applied Statistics

ECO 203

Intermediate Microeconomic Theory I

ECO 204

Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory I

ECO 349

Socio-Economic Profiles of Bangladesh

ECO 303

Intermediate Microeconomic Theory II

ECO 304

Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory II

ECO 317

Money, Banking and Financial Markets

ECO 328

International Trade Theory and Policy

ECO 350

Development Economics

ECO 372

Introduction to Econometrics

ECO 406

History of Economic Thought

ECO 450

Selected Topics in Economic Growth & Development

ECO 455  (Credits=2)

Research Methods and Seminar

III. Elective Courses: 33 Credits



(At least 18 credits must be from Economics prefix courses. Of these 18 credits, one must be ECO 400 level course that will be counted with 3 credit research/ internship to make it 6 credits. For 6 credit thesis, there is no need to take this ECO 400 level course. 30 credits of elective and 15 credits of ECO are sufficient.)

200 level courses

3 Credits

300 level courses

12 Credits

400 level courses

18 Credits

200 level elective courses pool includes the following: 3 Credits

(a) Economics courses

ECO 250

Economic History of Selected Countries

ECO 253

Economic Development in Asia

ECO 255

Comparative Economic Systems

(b) Non-economics courses

ACT 202, FIN 254

MGT 210, MGT 247, MGT 274

MKT 202, POL 260, POL 280, PSY 245, LAW 200

(c) Other approved 200 level courses


300 level elective courses pool includes the following: 12 Credits

(a) Economics courses

ECO 309

Urban Economics

ECO 314

Public Finance

ECO 315

Agricultural Economics

ECO 329

Contemporary issues in Global Economy

ECO 341

Economics of Labor and Labor Markets

ECO 343

Health Economics

ECO 354

Environmental & Natural Resources Economics

ECO 360

Regional Economics

ECO 380

Industrial Organization

ECO 388

Law and Economics

(b) Non-economics courses

ACT 331, ACT 341, ACT 345

MGT 314, MGT 315, MGT 32I, MGT 323, MGT 343, MGT 346, MGT 351, MGT 39I, MGT 392, MGT 393, FIN 354, FIN 357

MKT 317, MKT 320, MKT 337, MKT 344, MKT 372, MKT 380, MKT 382

POL 328, POL 361, POL 385,

PSY 335, PSY 357

ENV 315, ENV 319

(c) Other approved 300 level courses


400 level elective courses pool includes the following: 18 Credits

(a) Economics courses

ECO 417

Financial Economics

ECO 430

International Finance

ECO 435

Trade, Technology Transfer and Environment

ECO 451

Welfare Economics 

ECO 472

Applied Time Series Forecasting

ECO 474

Mathematical Economics

ECO 475

Game Theory with Application in Economics

ECO 482

Model Building in Economics

ECO 484

Project Analysis & Evaluation

ECO 485

Mathematical Programming

ECO 486

Energy Economics and Policy

ECO 489

Economics of Exhaustible Resources

ECO 491

Readings in Economics

ECO 492

Special Topics in Economics

(b) Non-economics courses

FIN 417, FIN 433, FIN 435, F1N 437, FIN 444, MGT 489, MKT 472

ACT 403, ACT 421

ENV 403, ENV 404, ENV 409, ENV 410, ENV 418

(c) Other approved 400 level courses



Internship is OPTIONAL for students of BS in Economics. However, students are encouraged to complete a semester of internship (available on request by the Department of Career Services of NSU). Internship is mentioned in the student transcripts.

Minor in Economics

Students doing major in other areas can do a minor in Economics during their undergraduate studies. To receive a minor in economics a student must complete at least 30-credit hours in selected economics courses with a minimum CGPA of 2.5. Twenty-one credits of this shall be from the list of core courses and the rest from the list of elective courses in Economics. The course requirements for Minor in Economics are:

(a) Core Courses

21 Credits


ECO 101

Introduction to Microeconomics

ECO 104

Introduction to Macroeconomics

ECO 172

Introduction to Statistics

ECO 173

Applied Statistics

ECO 203

Intermediate Microeconomic Theory I

ECO 204

Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory I

ECO 349

Socio-Economic Profiles of Bangladesh

(b) Elective Courses (any three)*:

9 Credits


Grand Total:

30 Credits


*From 200 and above level approved economics courses.

The Department also offers a large number of service courses for students of Business, Computer Science, Environmental Studies, and English.

Economics as a Second Major

Department of Economics also offers students of other academic disciplines to take economics as their second major. To earn a second major in economics, a student may have to take some additional courses beyond his/her required credits. These students will not, however, receive a BS in Economics degree. Their degree will be named after the program they are already enrolled for but their degree will have a suffix '& Economics', for example, a BBA concentration in Finance student will get BBA (Finance & Economics), a B.Sc. in Computer Science student will get B.Sc. (Computer Science & Economics).

The following list of courses with a total of 45 credits is required to be completed with a minimum CGPA of 2.5 by non-econ students to receive a second major in economics. However, students of other discipline, particularly business, are in anyway required to take many courses from this list. Therefore, additional course requirement for them to have a second major is not so much.


ECO 101


Introduction to Microeconomics

ECO 104

Introduction to Macroeconomics

ECO 172

Introduction to Statistics

ECO 173

Applied Statistics

ECO 203

Intermediate Microeconomic Theory-I

ECO 204

Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory-I

ECO 349

Socio-Economic Profiles of Bangladesh

ECO 250


Economic History of Selected Countries

ECO 260

Introduction to Environmental & natural Resource Economics

ECO 303

Intermediate Microeconomic Theory-II

ECO 304

Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory-II

ECO 372

Introduction to Econometrics


Any TWO courses


Any THREE courses

Course Description


Courses with ECO Prefix

(For descritpion of other courses please see courses offered by relevant departments)


Introduction to Microeconomics. This course is an introduction to the methods and principles of Economics with special emphasis on Microeconomics. Topics include economic way of thinking, evolution of the discipline of economics, demand, supply, market and its failures, consumer behavior, production theory, firms, cost and market structure. Aim of this course is to introduce the procedure how economically trained people think and some concepts related with Microeconomics.
3 credits.


Introduction to Macroeconomics. This course introduces the principles of macroeconomic analysis, and its analytical methods with current institutional and empirical issues. Topics include national income accounting, issues relating to unemployment and inflation, determination of output, price level, and money and banking. It also gives an introductory account of the monetary and fiscal policies, budget and trade deficits, and exchange rate.
3 credits.


Applied Mathematics-I. This course discusses application of some of the introductory level mathematical principles in Business and Economics. Topics include Modeling, Curve sketching, Matrix, Limits and continuity, Differentiation, and Comparative statics and their application in Business and Economics. Aim of this course is to introduce basic mathematical concepts to understand their applications and to prepare students for introducing higher level mathematical concepts.
Prerequisite: ECO101. 3 credits.


Introduction to Statistics. Introduction to modern theory and methodology of statistics in the areas of economics and business. Topics include descriptive statistics, data collection techniques, probability theory, sampling theory and methodology, and sampling distributions. Computer application is a compulsory component for the course (Also cross listed as BUS 172 & ENV 172).
Software Requirement: MINITAB. 3 credits.


Applied Statistics. Continuation of ECO 172. Emphasizes estimation and hypothesis testing for the linear statistical model. Topics include contingency tables, goodness of fit, single and multiple regression, and analysis of variance. Computer application is a compulsory component for the course (Also cross listed as BUS 173 & ENV 173).
Prerequisite: ECO172. Software Requirement: MINITAB. 3 credits.


Intermediate Microeconomic Theory-I. Theory of choice and its application to consumer and producer behavior, theory of production and cost, output and input markets, their structure, equilibrium and efficiency, and introduction to general equilibrium analysis.
Prerequisite: ECO101, ECO 134. 3 credits.


Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory-I. This course introduces the mainstream models in modern macroeconomics-classical models, Keynesian model, consumption and investment analysis, IS-LM models of closed and open economies dealing with unemployment, and inflation and interest rates. It also provides detailed analysis of the effects of monetary and fiscal policies.
Prerequisite: ECO104. 3 credits.


Applied Mathematics-II. This course discusses application of some of the intermediate level mathematical principles in Business and Economics. Topics include Optimization, Transcendental functions, Constrained optimization, Integration, Differential and Difference equation, Financial mathematics, and Linear programming and their related application in Economics and Business. Aim of this course is to introduce some intermediate level mathematical concepts to understand their applications.
Prerequisite: ECO 134. 3 credits.


Socio-Economic Profiles of Bangladesh. It surveys the socio-economic features and studies of the macro-economic performance of the economy of Bangladesh within the context of socio-political reality; sectoral development and analysis of the sectors in a general equilibrium framework; agriculture, industry, foreign trade and foreign aid in Bangladesh; financial institutions and monetary management as well as fiscal policy in Bangladesh; technology, human resource development and the long term performance of Bangladesh.
Prerequisite: ECO101, ECO104. 3 credits. 


Economic Development in Asia. Background and analysis of plans and progress toward economic development in Asia; their trends in development; economic characteristics of the area and their significance for economic development.
Prerequisite: ECO101 , ECO104. 3 credits.


Comparative Economic Systems. Definition and characteristics of economic systems; assessment of economic systems; basic features and significant similarities and differences in the development; structure and policies of capitalist, communist, market socialist and Islamic economic systems.
Prerequisite: ECO203, ECO204. 3 credits.


Introduction to Environmental & Natural Resource Economics. This is aimed at exploring and examining human relationship with the environment with special emphasis on Bangladesh. The course surveys the economic, cultural, social, and political aspects of human population dynamics, food resources and hunger, mineral and energy resources, air, land, and water pollution, wilderness and wildlife resources, urban and rural land usage, and toxic waste management from environmental and conservation viewpoints. The course makes recommendations and probes possible solutions to contemporary resource and environmental problems of Bangladesh. Current issues important to the environment are stressed in class projects.
Prerequisite: ECO101. 3 credits.


Intermediate Microeconomic Theory-II. Further topic in the theory of consumer and producer behavior; externalities; game theory; economics of information and uncertainty; general equilibrium; welfare economics and applications.
Prerequisite: ECO203, ECO 244. 3 credits.


Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory-II. This course covers topics in macro theory. Topics include neo-classical models, rational expectations models of macro economic analysis including wage theories, basic growth theory, introduction to computable general equilibrium and other topics.
Prerequisite: ECO 134, ECO 204. 3 credits.


Urban Economics. This course explains urban economics that explains location choice of firms and households. This further discusses the changes in the size of the cities and towns, the relationships between economics development and urbanization and the consequences of rapid urbanization especially in developing countries, such as poverty, infrastructure, pollution, growth of slums and ghettos, congestion, etc. This course further discusses the spatial structure and economic structure of the urban areas and its influences on employment and housing. It further deals with different aspects of urban government fiscal system including the economies of intergovernmental grants.
Prerequisite: ECO 101, ECO 104. 3 credits.


Public Finance. Study of the expenditure and financing activities of the government. Topics include fiscal functions; public sector in the economic accounts; normative theory of government (the level and allocation of government expenditures; taxation; optimum structure of major taxes; fiscal policy and stabilization; development finance); positive theory of government (direct democracy; representative democracy; bureaucracy; voter behavior; rent seeking); government and markets; efficiency aspects of public enterprises; and interest-free public finance.
Prerequisite: ECO 101, ECO 203. 3 credits.


Agricultural Economics. Introduction of agriculture as an industry; economies of agricultural production; farm management; land economics; rural organization; agricultural credit and finance; agricultural law; agricultural marketing; agrarian reform; agricultural policy; agricultural prices; and structure and scope of Bangladesh agricultural sector.
Prerequisite: ECO 101. 3 credits.
ECO317 Money, Banking and Financial Markets. The structure and activity of the financial sector of the economy; role of money in the economy especially its impact on output, employment, and prices; types of financial assets and their uses; interest rates; role played by financial intermediaries; interest-free and new concepts in banking; and review of the financial sector of Bangladesh.
Prerequisite: ECO 101, ECO 104. 3 credits.


International Trade Theory and Policy. The Law of Comparative Advantage; International Equilibrium with Increasing Costs and Offer Curve; The Heckscher-Ohlin Model; Alternative Trade Theories and Empirical Testing; The Theory of Tariffs; Instruments of Commercial Policy; Effective Rate of Protection; and Theory of Customs Union with special emphasis on SAARC.
Prerequisite: ECO 101. 3 credits.


Contemporary Issues in Global Economy. Analysis in depth of selected current issues and policy problems of the international economy, including (but not restricted to) the following: new approaches to the theory of international trade; reform of the international monetary system; role of the General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development in expanding trade between the developed and developing economies; problems of stabilizing international commodity markets; and balance-of-payments problems of selected countries and various trade blocs in the global economy.
Prerequisite: ECO 328. 3 credits.
ECO341 Economics of Labor and Labor Markets. Economics of manpower (human resource) development, economics of labor management, labor organization and regulations. Contents include composition and structure of labor force, determinants of labor market - demand, supply and development, wage determination-application of macroeconomic theory; unionism: collective choice, types of trade unions, growth of unions, structure of collective bargaining, strikes, effects on relative wages, unions and inflation, and unions and politics.
Prerequisite: ECO 203. 3 credits.


Health Economics. The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to the principal questions addressed in the context of health economics literature, and to equip students with the basic tools to undertake health policy analysis and research. Major topics include the demand and supply of health and health care services; information asymmetry as it impinges on the contractual arrangements among consumers, insurers and providers; efficient use of health care resources; measurement of health and economic evaluation using cost-effectiveness and cost-utility analysis. Other topics may include assessment of medical technology and policy issues and analyses in some developed as well as developing countries.
Prerequisite: ECO 203. 3 credits.


Development Economics. This course is based on the role of public policy in economic development and the political context in which policy decisions are taken. Topics covered include: a historical perspective on the evolution of development economics as an academic discipline; the international dimensions of development; macroeconomic stabilization; financial systems; agriculture and the microeconomics of rural organizations; labor markets and human resource development; environmental degradation; the notion of ‘shared growth’ and the nexus between democratic governance and development. This course emphasizes a blend of theory and evidence-with the latter drawn primarily from the experience of Asian economies.
Prerequisite: ECO 203, ECO 204. 3 credits.


Environmental and Natural Resources Economics. Resource availability, environmental pollution and limits to growth. Theory of optimal use and depletion of renewable, non-renewable and recyclable resources in the context of water, forest, fisheries, and mineral resources. Theory of property rights regimes such as public, private and common property ownership into resource management. Market failure, externality and economics of pollution control. Economics of regional and global pollution. Pollution control policies and their implications for efficiency, equity and growth.
Prerequisite: ECO 260 ( Also cross listed with ENV354 ). 3 credits.


Regional Economics. Survey of the theory and problems of regional economic development including regional accounts, interregional income and trade theory, principles of the location of economic activity, theories of regional growth and public policy for development of regions.
Prerequisite: ECO 101, ECO 328. 3 credits.


Introductions to Econometrics. It deals with econometric models for estimation of single equation models; assumptions of the OLS estimation technique and the failures; econometric models with heteroscedasticity, autocorrelations, and multicollinearity; dummy variables; specification errors; and lagged variables. Sufficient statistical and computers skills are useful for conducting econometric analysis of business and economic problems.
Prerequisite: ECO 173, ECO 244. Software Requirement: STATA. 3 credits.


Industrial Organization. Theory of organization of markets and firms; behavior of firms; functioning of competitive systems and performance of markets; building on microeconomic theory for further investigation of theoretical framework and empirical aspects of oligopolistic and monopolistically competitive market structures.
Prerequisite: ECO 203. 3 credits.


Law and Economics. Applications of economic theory to problems and issues in both civil and criminal law and the effect of legal rules on the allocation of resources, includes property rights, liability and negligence assignment, the use of administrative and common law to mitigate market failure, and the logic of private versus public law enforcement.
Prerequisite: ECO 203, ECO 204. 3 credits.


Foreign Trade of Bangladesh. Analysis of the current status of balance of payment of Bangladesh. Role of trade policy in the economic development of Bangladesh. Trade vs. Aid as a means for financing the development of Bangladesh. Role of World Bank, IMF, and WTO in affecting the Balance of Payment of Bangladesh with special reference to Uruguay Round of GATT and Structural Adjustment Program of World Bank and IMF.
Prerequisite: ECO 101, ECO 104. (For non-economics students only). 3 credits.


History of Economic Thought. It covers the contributions of the major economic theorists including Muslim thinkers & philosophers: from the pre-classical to present day with an eye toward their theories of value and distribution; the impact of their economic ideas on national economic policy; examines the economic philosophy of Islam.
Prerequisite: ECO 303, ECO 304. 3 credits.


Financial Economics. This course addresses the basic issues of Financial Economics. In this course, rudiments of inter temporal choice theory and financial markets are discussed. It includes Expected utility theorem, Choice under uncertainty, Term structure of interest rate, Pure exchange economies, Risk, Arbitrage, Law of one price, Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), Arbitrage Pricing Theory, Equilibrium of financial markets and Efficient market hypothesis. The course also discusses few basic types of financial assets and their valuation techniques, which includes bonds, equities and different types of financial derivatives. The aim of this course is to give students better understandings of financial market and enable them with better tools to analyze them.
Prerequisite: ECO 317, ECO 244. 3 credits.


International Finance. Studies the workings of foreign exchange markets and different partial equilibrium theories of exchange rate determination, such as the interest rate parity theory, the purchasing power parity theory, and general equilibrium models of the determination of real and nominal exchange rates, balance of payment economies and accounting, the role of stabilization policies in open economies, the role of international financial institutions in developed and developing economies; and Financial Crisis.
Prerequisite: ECO 204. 3 credits.
ECO435 Trade, Technology Transfer, and Environment.The choice of technology and technology transfer from advanced countries to less advanced countries and their environmental implications; the roles of multinational corporations in technology transfer process and the relevant effects on the environment of the host country; meeting environmental challenges through appropriate technological applications; creation of an enabling environment for the development of environmentally friendly technology ; and applications of technology in water, air and soil management.
Prerequisite: ECO 260 ( Also cross listed with ENV406 ). 3 credits.
ECO436/INB436 The WTO and Globalization. Trade Liberalization, Globalization and Growth; Historical evolution of the multilateral trading system; the WTO: introductory issues; Market Access Issues; Agreement on Textiles and Clothing: background and implementation issues; Agriculture in Multilateral Trade Negotiations; Anti-dumping, Subsidies, Safeguards; Product standards and trade; Trade in Services; Trade-related Intellectual Property Rights; Trade-related Investment Measures; Labor and Environmental Standards; Dispute Settlement in the WTO; Special and Differential Treatment for Developing Countries & LDCs; Trade Facilitation and Government Procurement; WTO and Bangladesh.
Prerequisite: ECO 328/INB 350 ( Also cross listed with INB 436 ). 3 credits.
ECO450 Selected Topics in Growth and Development. This course offers an analytical exposition of selected topics in the theory of economic growth and explores their relevance to developing economies. In particular, some emphasis is placed on ‘new’ growth theories, the way they differ from previous and related contributions in the field, and the extent to which they allow one to identify the dynamics of affluence and poverty across nations. Seminal contributions (e.g. Barro, Romer, Lucas) in the field are highlighted and discussed in some depth. The course emphasizes a blend of theory and evidence with the latter drawn from a large sample of developing economics.
Prerequisite: ECO 303, ECO 304, ECO 350. 3 credits.
ECO451 Welfare Economics. Topics include the distinction between normative and positive economics; the first and second fundamental theorem of welfare economics; Hicks-Kaldor-Scitovsky compensation criteria; consumer and producer surplus for measuring welfare change; market failure; theory of second best and its implications for policy reforms; importance of property rights and Coase theorem; cost-benefit analysis; distribution of income; relationship between entitlement and welfare; and the extent of inequality in Bangladesh.
Prerequisite: ECO 303, ECO 304. 3 credits.
ECO455 Economic Research. Topics include purpose of scientific research; features & scopes and limitations of research; classification of scientific research; techniques of data collection and selection; various biases in data collection; and preparation and presentation of independent seminar paper.
2 credits.
ECO472 Economics and Business Forecasting. This course is designed for the students of economics and business majors who want to apply the knowledge of applied statistics in forecasting economics and business data. The topics to be covered include elements of forecasting, six considerations in forecasting, graphics of forecasting, forecasting trend, seasonality, and cycles, MA, AR, and ARMA models, forecasting with regression models, evaluating and combining forecasts, unit roots, stochastic trends, ARIMA forecasting models, and smoothing, data mining, and forecasting with macroeconomic data from Bangladesh Economy.
Prerequisite: ECO 372. Software Requirement: E-Views. 3 credits.


Mathematical Economics. This course discusses some of the advanced topics of Mathematics in Economics. Topics include Trigonometric functions, Complex analysis, Linear programming, Introduction to mathematical spaces, Real analysis, Non linear programming, Fixed point theorem, Envelope theorem, and Implicit function theorem and their application to Economics. The aim of this course is to prepare students for higher studies in the field of Economics and Finance.
Prerequisite: ECO 244. 3 credits.


Game Theory with Applications in Economics. This course deals with the strategic interaction of economic agents. It focuses on economic modeling of strategic choices in a variety of situations such as firms in an oligopolistic industry choosing price or quantity, collusive agreements and the incentive to cheat, inflation and unemployment, tariffs and international competition, etc. Topics include zero sum games, variable sum games, solution concepts, Nash equilibrium, pure and mixed strategies, repeated games, dominant strategies, sequential games, sub game perfection, and games with incomplete information.
Prerequisite: ECO 101, ECO 104, ECO 203. 3 credits.


Model Building in Economics. The course will be divided into three segments : theoretical framework followed by mathematical modeling applications; stochastic modeling followed by statistical simulation models, time-series and mathematical programming models; finally, multi-sectoral models as applied in Five-Year plan in Bangladesh and other developmental planning models.
3 credits.


Project Analysis and Evaluation. This course deals with project choice, institutional framework, and cost-benefit analysis. It also covers measuring the profitability of a project under different goals - framework of project proposal - logical framework analysis - project monitoring with special reference to project proposal system used in Bangladesh.
Prerequisite: ECO 101, ECO 104. 3 credits.


Mathematical Programming. This course deals with mathematical programming models (linear and non-linear models) used in farms, sectors and in policy analysis and I-O models. Techniques include linear programming, non-linear programming, multiple goals model and risk models. Students will be needed to use computers to build and solve models as a part of the requirements.
Prerequisite: ECO 244. 3 credits. 


Energy Economics and Policy. Dimensions of the energy problems; static and dynamic criteria for efficient energy resource allocation; OPEC countries; environmental issues in energy development; price control; optimum regulation structure; national security dilemma; conservation; future policy directions.
Prerequisite: ECO 204 ( Also cross listed with ENV 421 ). 3 credits.


Economics of Exhaustible Resources. Resource allocation under externality; inter-temporal equilibrium, ecological and environmental models ; production of depletable resources, optimal depletion of exhaustible resources, taxation of exhaustible resources; price movements in resource market.
Prerequisite: ECO 303, ECO 244. 3 credits.


Readings in Economics. 3 credits.
ECO492 Special Topics in Economics. 3 credits.
Recommended Course Path