Center of Excellence in Higher Education
The First Private University in Bangladesh

Dr. Asad Karim Khan Priyo

Full-Time Faculty
Associate Professor & Chair

PhD in Economics, University of Toronto, Canada

MA in Economics, York University, Canada

Phone: +880-2-55668200 Ext- 1800
Office: NAC 801

Curriculum Vitae

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Dr. Asad Karim Khan Priyo obtained his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Toronto, Canada, and completed his MA in Economics from York University, Canada. He completed his BBA with a major in Finance and a minor in Economics from North South University, Bangladesh, and received the Chancellor’s Gold Medal from the President of Bangladesh for being the valedictorian of the class of 2004.

Dr. Priyo’s research interests include Macroeconomics, Development Economics, ICT4D, Economic and Social Impacts of Digital Platforms, Information Ethics, Behavioral & Experimental Economics, Bank Finance, and Corporate Finance. His research works have been published in several national and international journals including Information Technology & People, Journal of Information, Communication & Ethics in Society, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, and The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics.

Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals:

Hazra, U., Priyo, A. K. K. & Sheikh, J.  J. (2024). Understanding experiences of adverse digital incorporation of ridesharing drivers in Bangladesh. Information Technology & People, ahead-of-print. [Link]

Hazra, U. & Priyo, A.K.K. (2022). Unethical practices in online classes during COVID-19 pandemic: an analysis of affordances using routine activity theory. Journal of Information, Communication & Ethics in Society, 20(4), 546-567. [Link]

Ahsanuzzaman, Priyo, A. K. K. & Nuzhat, K. A. (2022). Effects of communication, group selection, and social learning on risk and ambiguity attitudes: experimental evidence from Bangladesh. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 96. [Link

Hazra, U. & Priyo, A. K. K. (2021) Mobile financial services in Bangladesh: understanding the affordances. The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries. 87(3). [Link]

Priyo, A. K. K. & Hazra, U. (2021). Understanding digital divide in online class experiences during Covid-19 lockdown in Bangladesh. North South Business Review, 11(2), 17-31. [Link] 

Chowdhury, A. H. & Priyo, A. K. K. (2020). How do Bangladeshi investors take decisions? An Ethnographic Decision Tree Model of stock selection. North South Business Review, 10(2), 107-132. [Link]

Adnan, Z. M. & Priyo, A. K. K. (2019). A comprehensive exploration of the digital startup ecosystem of Bangladesh. North South Business Review, 9(2), 66-102. [Link]

Priyo, A. K. K. (2012). Sector-specific capital, labor market distortions and cross-country income differences: a two-sector general equilibrium approach. The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, 12(1), Topics: Article 3. [Link]

Priyo, A. K. K. (2009). Impact of exchange rate regime change on the value of Bangladesh currency. Social Science Review, 26(1), 185-214. [Link]

Working Papers:

“Roles of credit, insurance, and attitudes toward uncertainty on agricultural technology adoption: Experimental evidence from Bangladesh" With Ahsanuzzaman.

“Experimental evaluation of life-skills curriculum for vulnerable students in Dhaka” With Ridwan Karim and Shagufe Hossain

"Excess reserve accumulation and credit crunch in U.S. commercial banks during the global financial crisis.”

“Overinvesting via delayed exit: An empirical investigation of the cost of excessive continuation” With Mohammad M. Rahaman and Varouj A. Aivazian.

Policy Research:

1. Member of the Economic Research Group (ERG) research team in the project “Baseline Surveys to Track and Document Government Service Delivery Mechanism for Bangladesh Investment Climate Fund (BICF) Program Phase II” during the period December 2017 – December 2018. The objective of the project was to assist the World Bank Group (WBG) Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Cell to conduct a number of baseline surveys to track the Government to Business (G2B) service delivery mechanisms for a selected set of government services for businesses, and to document perception and recommendation on G2B services and opportunities for further improvements.        

Main responsibilities: Undertook review of literature, designed process mapping, developed survey questionnaires, analyzed data and reported the findings of G2B service delivery of BSTI (Certification Mark License) and EPB (GSP Certificate of Origin). 

2. Member of the ERG research team in the project “Innovative mSE Financing Products and Delivery Channels in Bangladesh: Opportunities and Challenges” during the period November 2017 – August 2018. The objective of the project (which was funded by the UK Aid and implemented by Bangladesh Bank and Monetary Regulatory Authority, Bangladesh) was to understand the regulatory barriers in launching, operationalizing, pilot-testing and up-scaling innovative financing products and delivery channels, as well as to understand the regulators’ views on the justifications of keeping regulations so that an enabling regulatory environment is created to ease the financing constraints faced by mSEs and recommend areas of further improvement.           

Main responsibilities: Conducted detailed survey of the literature to identify relevant international experience, participated in conducting interviews and FGDs of the relevant stakeholders and took part in writing the report and presenting the findings. [Link]   

Newspaper Articles:

Op-ed: "Inoculation against Covid-19: Digital ID and capability deprivation," With Ummaha Hazra. The Financial Express. (November 24, 2021). [Link]

Op-ed: "Digital divide in online class during Covid-19 pandemic.With Ummaha Hazra. The Financial Express. (July 18, 2021). [Link]

Op-ed: "Affordances provided by mobile financial services." With Ummaha Hazra. The Business Standard. (April 7, 2021). [Link]

Op-ed: “What students think about online class and assessment in private universities.”  With Ummaha Hazra. The Daily Star. (May 7, 2020). [Link]

  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Insight Development Grant worth CA$24,170 funded by the Government of Canada for conducting research on “Experimental evaluation of life-skills curriculum for vulnerable students in Dhaka.” With Ridwan Karim and Shagufe Hossain, for fiscal year 2023/24-2024/25
  • NSU Research Grant worth BDT 10,00,000 for conducting research on “Nudging farmers to improve agricultural practices for safe and sustainable food production: Experimental evidence from Bangladesh” With M. Ismail Hossain and Ahsanuzzaman, 2021 
  • NSU Research Grant worth BDT 2,50,000 for conducting research on “Understanding resilience through mobile financial services during COVID-19 pandemic” With Ummaha Hazra, 2021 
  • NSU Research Grant worth BDT 4,68,000 for conducting research on “Experimental Evaluation of Life-Skills Curriculum for Vulnerable Students in Dhaka.” With Ridwan Karim, 2020 
  • NSU Research Grant worth BDT 4,00,000 for conducting research on “Attitudes Towards Uncertainty with Communication, Technology Adoption and Insurance Take up: Evidence from a Framed Field Experiment in Bangladesh.” With Ahsanuzzaman and Kanti Ananta Nuzhat, 2017.
  • Department of Economics Award: H. Stanley Hunnisett Fund 2013-14, University of Toronto
  • Department of Economics 2013 Award for Excellence in Teaching by Teaching Assistants, University of Toronto
  • Doctoral Completion Award (DCA), 2012-13 and 2011-12, School of Graduate Studies, University of Toronto,
  • Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS), 2011-12
  • University of Toronto Fellowship, 2007-2011
  • Connaught Tuition Award, 2007, University of Toronto,
  • International Tuition Fee scholarship - York University
  • Chancellor’s Gold Medal from the honorable President of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh for being the Valedictorian of the class of 2004 of North South University.
  • Scholarship worth 50% of tuition received from North South University from Summer 2000 to Summer 2003
  • Award of Appreciation from North South University Debating Club (Bangladesh), Acclamatory award & Life Membership award from Notre Dame Debating Club (Bangladesh), Life Membership award from Notre Dame Chess Club (Bangladesh)

PhD in Economics
University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2014
Thesis: Essays on Macroeconomics and Finance
Thesis Committee: Xiaodong Zhu (Supervisor), Gustavo Bobonis, Varouj A. Aivazian

MA in Economics
York University, Ontario, Canada, 2006
CGPA: 9/9

BBA,  Major: Finance, Minor: Economics
North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2004
CGPA: 3.99/4; Valedictorian of the class of 2004

Associate Professor & Chair
Department of Economics 
School of Business and Economics
North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Associate Professor since: April 1, 2022; Chair since: January 17, 2021

Assistant Professor
Department of Economics 
School of Business and Economics
North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
January 2015 - March 2022 

Course Instructor
Microeconomic Theory (2nd year undergraduate level course)
Department of Economics, University of Toronto
September 2011 – April 2012

School of Business, North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh 
September 2006 – August 2007
September 2007 – August 2013 (study leave)
September 2013 – August 2014 (extraordinary leave)

International Marketing Coordinator
International Marketing Communication Division
Bangkok Pattaya Hospital, Pattaya City, Thailand
August 2004 – July 2005

Graduate: Macroeconomic Theory (ECO 504), Macroeconomic Analysis (ECO 512), Economic Conditions Analysis (BUS 530), Investment Theory (FIN 637)

Undergraduate: Introduction to Business (BUS 101), Introduction to Macroeconomics (ECO 104),  Intermediate Microeconomics (ECO 204 at University of Toronto),  Investment Theory (FIN 435)

  • External examiner of the Master’s thesis titled “Uncovering Gender Pay Disparities: An Examination of Chinese Gig Workers' Earnings and Asset” by Sabrina Yeasmin for the degree of Master of Science in Applied Economics, Department of Economics and Social Sciences, BRAC University, 2024.
  • Grand Jury Member, SDG Brand Champion Awards 2024: SDG Brand Champion in Sustainable Community category, organized by Sustainable Brand Initiative and Bangladesh Brand Forum in association with The Daily Star, in collaboration with Smart Bangladesh Network and Global Compact Network Bangladesh.
  • Grand Jury Member, SDG Brand Champion Awards 2023: SDG Brand Champion in Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure category, organized by Sustainability Brand Forum along with Bangladesh Brand Forum, Aspire to Innovate (a2i), and United Nations Global Compact Network Bangladesh.
  • Executive Committee Member representing Bangladesh for the period 2019-20, Association for Economic and Development Studies on Bangladesh (AEDSB)
  • Senior Research Fellow at the Economic Research Group (ERG), Bangladesh
  • Conducted “Independent Review on Impact Assessment and Coping up Strategies of Graduation from LDC Status for Bangladesh, Zero Draft, April 2019.” With Sajjad Zohir and Wahiduddin Mahmud. (June 27, 2019). Submitted to: General Economics Division (GED), Bangladesh Planning Commission.
  • Reviewer of the final shortlisted applications for the 2019 Bangladeshi SDG Pioneers, the winners of which will represent Bangladesh in the Global SDG Pioneer program launched by the United Nations Global Compact
  • Reviewer of the BER Annual Economists’ Conference 2019 on “Inclusive Growth for Sustainable Development” held during July 6-7, 2019 organized by the Bureau of Economic Research (BER) and the Department of Economics, University of Dhaka
  • Refereed articles for “New Zealand Economic Papers”, "The International Journal of Financial Economics", “Journal of South Asian Development”, "Business & Economic Review” and "The Bangladesh Development Studies"
  • Member of the Scientific Committee for the 4th International Conference on Economics and Development 2020 (ICED 2020) to be held during December 3-4, 2020 in Colombo Sri Lanka
  • Member of the Scientific Committee for the 6th International Conference on Poverty and Sustainable Development 2019 held during December 5-6, 2019 in Colombo, Sri Lanka under the theme “SDG 1: A World free from Want: Poverty and Social Exclusion in the 21st Century”
  • Member of the Scientific Committee for the 3rd International Conference on Economics and Development 2019 (ICED 2019) held during June 13-14, 2019 in Bangkok, Thailand
  • Member of the Scientific Committee for the 5th International Conference on Poverty and Sustainable Development (ICPSD 2018) held during December 6-7, 2018 in Colombo, Sri Lanka
  • Member of the Scientific Committee at the 2nd International Conference on Economics and Development 2018 (ICED 2018) held during June 20-21 June, 2018 in Colombo, Sri Lanka under the theme “The Green Economy and Sustainable Development: Towards a New Research and Policy Agenda.”
  • Member of the Scientific Committee for the 4th International Conference on Poverty and Sustainable Development (ICPSD 2017) held during December 5-6, 2017 in Colombo, Sri Lanka under the theme "Strategies for meeting SDGs: Ending Poverty in all its Forms Everywhere"

Macroeconomics, Development Economics, ICT4D, Economic and Social Impacts of Digital Platforms, Information Ethics, Behavioral & Experimental Economics, Bank Finance, Corporate Finance