Center of Excellence in Higher Education
The First Private University in Bangladesh

Dr. Tamgid Ahmed Chowdhury

Full Time Faculty
Professor &
Director, MBA & EMBA Programs

Ph.D., in Economics, Macquarie University, Australia
MBA in Marketing, North South University
M.S.S & B.S.S in Economics, University of Dhaka

Phone: +880-2-55668200 Ext: 1787
Office: NAC-637


Full-time faculty member

Phone: +880255668200, Ext: 1787, 1701

Dr. Tamgid Ahmed Chowdhury received his PhD in Economics from Macquarie University, Australia. In his PhD program, Dr. Chowdhury specialized on Poverty, Income Distribution and Social Welfare. He has also specialized in working with Structural Equation Modelling. Dr. Chowdhury did his MBA major in Marketing from North South University and was awarded Summa-Cum-Laude. He did his BSS and MSS in Economics from Dhaka University, Bangladesh. Currently he is teaching Managerial Eocnomics and Marketing Research in MBA and undergraduate level respectively.
Dr. Tamgid is an active researcher in the fields of Economics and Marketing. His papers have been published in international journals such as International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Journal of Contemporary Asia, Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, Journal of Marketing Communications, Oxford Development Studies, Journal of Asia Pacific Business, Journal of Non-profit and Public Sector Marketing, European Journal of Development Research, Journal of Socio Eocnomics, Journal of Global Marketing, Journal of Asia Business Studies, Journal of Developing Areas, International Review of Economics, and so on.  
Dr. Chowdhury has presented papers in several international conferences held in USA, UK, Australia, Denmark, South Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, and Turkey.


  1. Principles of Marketing-Practices and Applications in Bangladesh. The book was sponsored by SQUARE Group, Bangladesh. ISBN 984-8229-59-0 (total page 450), 2007.
  2. “Socio-economic Condition in Bangladesh”. The book was sponsored by Vastav Design, Bangladesh. Published by Tapan Publications. First Edition: January-2008. ISBN 984-8674-14-4 (total page 365).
  3. “Relative Effectiveness of Alternative Microfinance-driven Poverty Alleviation Programs in Bangladesh”. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK. ISBN: 978-1-4438-5275-3. Publication year: December, 2013.
  4. “Principles of Marketing-Practices and Applications in Bangladesh” (Second Edition). The book was sponsored by Best Holdings Limited and Le Meridien, Bangladesh. ISBN 978- 984-96319-0-3(total page 344), 2022.
  5. “Cases on Marketing Theories: Perspectives from Bangladesh” (Lead author). This Case book is jointly sponsored by Globe Pharmaceuticals, ZTE-Bangladesh, and Shumi’s Hot Cake. ISBN: 978-984-96319-1-0, 2022.

Book Chapter:

1. Chapter-12: NGOs for Development: Experience of Bangladesh (Lead author), in “From A Basket Case to a Development Model: Bangladesh’s Economic and Social Progress” has been accepted to be published by Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore (2020).

 Journal Articles:

  1. Exploring Skill Requirements of Local and Multinational Companies for Entry Level Marketing Professionals in the Apparel Industry in a Developing Country has been accepted in the Journal of Global Fashion Marketing. DOI: DOI: 10.1080/20932685.2021.1939758 .
  2. Capability Listing and Functioning Achievements of Indigenous People of a Developing Country: Testing the Moderating Effect of the Use of ICT has been published in Review of Social Economy. DOI:
  3. Applying and Extending the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach: Identifying the Livelihood Capitals and Wellbeing Achievements of Indigenous People in Bangladesh in Journal of Social and Economic Development. DOI:
  4. Determinants of School Choice and Their Relation to Success to the Institution: A Comparative Study between Public and Private Schools in Bangladesh has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Educational Management.
  5. Profiling Voters’ Requirements for Effective Political Campaign: A Case on Bangladesh has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Public Affairs
  6. How Signalling Mechanisms Reduce ‘Lemons’ from Online Group Buying (OGB) Markets? A Study of China has been published in International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management.
  7. Word of Mouth Communication in Political Marketing: Understanding and Managing Referrals has been published in the Journal of Marketing Communications
  8. Factors Affecting Political Marketing in Rural and Urban Bangladesh: A Multi-Dimensional Approach has been published in International Journal of Business and Economics, vol-18, no. 1, pp. 97-119.
  9. Multidimensional Political Marketing Mix Model for Developing Countries: An Empirical Investigation has been published in the Journal of Political Marketing. DOI: 10.1080/15377857.2019.1577323 
  10. Fashion Attributes Preferred by Young Bangladeshi Consumers While Buying Casual Clothes – A Multi-dimensional Approach has been published in the Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management (
  11. A Theoretical Model of Political Marketing in Developing Countries: A Case of Bangladesh has been published in North South Business Review, Volume-8, No.-1, 2017.
  12. Functioning Achievements in Urban Bangladesh: A Comparison with Rural Areas has been published in the Journal of Contemporary Asia, (DOI: 10.1080/00472336.2015.1089581), published on September 29, 2015.
  13. Employability skills for entry level human resources management positions: Perceptions of students and employers has been published in Australian Journal of Career Development, Vol-25, Issue-2, 55-68, 2016.
  14. Advertising Effectiveness of Different Media in Promoting Technology Oriented Ideas among Young Consumers: A Multidimensional Study has been published in the Journal of Asia-Pacific Business Volume 17 Issue 4, pp. 293-317 (2016).
  15. Perceptions of students and employers regarding employability skills for entry level positions in marketing and sales has been accepted for publication in Australian Journal of Career Development (2016, forthcoming)
  16. Media Preferences Among Young Consumers in Bangladesh: A Multidimensional Approach has been published in the Journal of Marketing Communications, published in January, 2016, DOI: 10.1080/13527266.2015.1113433.
  17. 9. Effectiveness of Different Media in Communicating New Ideas among Urban Young Consumers in Bangladesh: Study on Technology Oriented Products in Advertising & Society Review. (forthcoming).
  18. Poverty Alleviation and Service Delivery: Government and Non-Government Organizations in Rural Bangladesh in the Oxford Development Studies (Vol. 39, No.4, 2011, p. 427-452).
  19. Assessment of Multidimensional Poverty and Effectiveness of Microfinance-driven Government and NGO Projects in the Rural Bangladesh in The Journal of Socio-Economics (Vol. 41, Issue-5, 2012, p. 500-512).
  20. Multidimensional Poverty Approach and Development of Poverty Indicators: The case of Bangladesh has been published in Contemporary South Asia (June, 2014). Please refer to:
  21. Limitations of the Theories of Non-profits and Benchmarking Service Delivery Dimensions of Poverty Reduction Programs in Rural Bangladesh in the Journal of Non-profit and Public Sector Marketing (24:4, 2012, p. 325-350).
  22. Conceptualizing Consumer Ethnocentrism in a Developing Country:  Validity and Applicability of CETSCALE in Bangladesh has been published in the Journal of Asia-Pacific Business (Volume-15, Issue-2, pp. 27-53, 2014).
  23. Are women less efficient in converting microcredit into functionings: Evidence from Bangladesh has been published in the European Journal of Development Research (Feb, 2014, refer to doi:10.1057/ejdr.2013.57).
  24. Understanding consumer ethnocentrism in developing countries: Case Bangladesh has been published in the Journal of Global Marketing (26:4, 224-236, 2013).
  25. Gender Bias of Government Agencies and NGOs in the Provision of Services to the Rural Poor in Bangladesh is published in the Journal of economic and social policy (Volume-16, Issue-2, 2014).
  26. Prevalence of Ethnocentric Tendencies in Bangladesh has been published in the Journal of Asia Business Studies (Vol-9, Issue-1, pp. 1-16, 2015).
  27. Development of a Multidimensional Sustainable Livelihoods Model for Rural Bangladesh has been published in the Journal of Developing Areas (Vol-49, No-5, pp.153-168, 2015).
  28. Service delivery effectiveness of microcredit-driven Non-government organizations in Alleviating Poverty: A study on Bangladesh has been published in International Review of Economics (Vol-61, No-4, pp. 347-377, 2014).
  29. Effectiveness of Service Delivery: A Comparison between Government and Non-government Microcredit Programs has been published in the Journal of Society, Economy and Development, Vol-1, No. 2: 55-85, March-2013.

Conference Presentation:

  1. Presented paper titled, ‘Analysing poverty from multi-dimensional point: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach’ in Asia Pacific Week at the Australian National University, Canberra on 8-11 February, 2010.
  2. Paper presentation titled, ‘Efficiency of Service Providers in Poverty Alleviation ProgramsIn Bangladesh and Their Gender Bias’ in 12th International Convention of East AsianEconomic Association at EWHA Women’s University, Seoul-South Korea on October 2-3, 2010. 
  3. Paper titled, ‘Developing and validating a multidimensional scale to assess the efficiency of Government and NGOs in poverty reduction programs in Bangladesh’ was presented in 82nd Annual Conference of Southern Economic Association that is held in Sheraton, Atlanta-USA between November 20-22, 2010.
  4. Presented paper named, ‘Assessment of Multidimensional Poverty and Efficiency of Government and NGOs in Rural Bangladesh’ at the 4th Poverty and Social Protection Conference held in Bangkok, Thailand on March 1-3, 2011.
  5. Presented paper titled, ‘Microcredit, Service Delivery and Poverty Reduction: Effectiveness of Government and NGOs in Rural Bangladesh’ at the 2nd Roundtable on Microcredit and Beyond organized by Democracy and Development Institute held in NAEM, Dhaka-Bangladesh on March 30, 2013.
  6. Presented paper titled, ‘Development of Multidimensional Sustainable Livelihoods Model for Rural Bangladesh’ in the Australian Academy of Business and Social Sciences Conference-2014 (in partnership with Journal of Developing Areas) held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on August 25-26, 2014.
  7. Presented paper titled, ‘Profiling Urban Poverty in Bangladesh: A Multidimensional Approach’ in the International Conference of Advances in Education and Social Sciences held in Istanbul, Turkey on 12-14 October, 2015.
  8. Presented paper titled, ‘Factors Affecting Political Marketing in Rural and Urban Bangladesh: A Multi-Dimensional Approach’ in European Marketing Academy Conference-2018 (EMCA) in Glasgow-UK (May 29-June 1, 2018).
  9. Presented paper titled, ‘Exploring Human-Centric Attributes of Smartphone Set and Their Influence on Advocacy of the Brands by the Customers: Testing the Moderating Role of Gender’ in European Marketing Academy Conference-2023 (EMAC) in Odense, Denmark (May 23-26, 2023).
  • Macquarie University Research Excellence Scholarship (MQRES) in PhD
  • Macquarie University Post Graduate Research Fund (MQPGRF), 2010
  • Faculty of Business and Economics funding for Research Excellence, 2010
  • Awarded Summa-Cum-Laude in MBA program
  • Sponsorship by SQUARE Pharmaceuticals in writing text on Principles of Marketing
  • Funded for text on Socio Economic Condition in Bangladesh by VASTAV Design
  • Scholarship to present paper in international conferences
  • North-South University annual research grant, 2012-2013, 2017-18, 2019-20, 2020-21.
  • Received fund from Le Meridien-Bangladesh to publish the book titled, Principles of Marketing: Practices and Applications in Bangladesh (2nd Edition).  

PhD in Economics from Macquarie University, Australia
MBA Major in Marketing from North South University
MSS and BSS (Integrated) in Economics from Dhaka University

More than 14 years of academic experience at the university level.

Marketing Research, Marketing Management, Introduction to Marketing, Managerial Economics, and Macroeconomics

East Asian Economic Association, Southern Economic Association, Bangladesh Economic Association, European Marketing Academy.

Poverty, inequality, welfare and microcredit issues; consumer marketing, political marketing; services marketing