Center of Excellence in Higher Education
The First Private University in Bangladesh

Dr. Mahmud Hassan

Full Time Faculty
Associate Professor  & Chairman

Ph.D, University of Queensland, Australia

Doctor of Business Administration, Southern Cross University, Australia

MBA, North South University

Phone: +880-2-55668200 Ext: 1703


Office: NAC 715

Curriculum Vitae


Dr. Mahmud Hassan joined North South University as an Associate Professor in the Department of Marketing and International Business after completing his Ph.D in Marketing at the University of Queensland, Australia. He has received his Doctor of Business Administration degree from Southern Cross University, Australia. He was a Lecturer at the University of Southern Queensland and Southern Cross University in Australia before joining North South University.

Dr. Mahmud is involved in various research activities. His research interests lie in customer value creation, customer citizenship behaviour, new product preannouncements, consumers’ perception of risk with product innovation, country of origin and brand innovativeness. He is the first researcher to introduce and define the concepts of Defending the Brand and Cheerleader in the context of consumer behaviour. His research has been published in the Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Internet Research and Spanish Journal of Marketing. He has also presented papers at reputed conferences at the American Marketing Association, Academy of Marketing Science, Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy and Spanish Marketing Association.

Dr. Mahmud has developed a research network with reputed behavioural scientists in Australia and Europe and has editorial board membership in the Journal of Innovations in Digital Marketing. He also serves as the ad hoc reviewer of reputed journals, such as Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Internet Research, Journal of Product and Brand Management, Journal of Strategic Marketing, Journal of Brand Management and Spanish Journal of Marketing, etc.

He was an Associate Professor & BBA Program Coordinator at the School of Business, Chittagong Independent University (CIU). He directed the Centre of Excellence for Teaching and Learning (CETL) at Chittagong Independent University. He was also the Head of Marketing department of the School of Business, Chittagong Independent University (CIU). Previously he also served as a Lecturer in the School of Business at the Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB).

Ongoing projects:

Hassan, M.; Pappu, R.; Kelly, S. . New Product Preannouncement: A Systematic Review, and Research Agenda, European Journal of Marketing (Review in progress) (SJR: Q1, ABDC: A*).

Hassan, M.; Pappu, R.; Kelly, S.. New product preannouncement effects on brand innovativeness: Examining the mediating role of perceived risk and moderating role of brand credibility. Paper to be submitted in Journal of Business Research. (SJR: Q1, ABDC: A).

Hassan, M.; Pappu, R.; Kelly, S. New product preannouncement effects on brand innovativeness: Examining the mediating role of quality and moderating role of country innovativeness. Paper to be submitted in Journal of Business Research. (SJR: Q1, ABDC: A).

Journal publications:

Hassan, M.; Hasan, R. (2020). Who says waiting is boring? How consumer narratives within online communities’ help reduce stress while waiting Spanish Journal of Marketing. Vol. 24 (3). (SJR: Q2, ABDC B)

Hassan, M.; Casalo, L. (2016). Consumer devotion to a different height: How consumers are defending the brand within Facebook brand communities; Internet research, Vol. 26 (4). (SJR: Q1; ABDC: A).

Hassan, M.; Pervan, S.; Kortt, M.; Mydock, S. (2016) Facebook and Self- Disclosure: Identifying Value Creating Behaviour. Journal of Consumer Behaviour. Vol. 15 (6). (SJR: Q1; ABDC: A)

Islam, A.; Hassan, M; Chowdhury, R. (2006): Understanding customer expectation and perceptions of Service Quality through SERVQUAL: A Study of Multinational Banks in Chittagong City. Journal of Business Administration. Vol. 32 (1).

Hassan, M.; Azim, T.; (2004). Relationship Marketing: Understanding and implementing the concept, Journal of Business Administration, 30 (1).

Islam, A.; Hassan, M. (2003). Product Positioning: A study of Chips Industry in Chittagong City, Journal of Business Administration. Vol. 29 (3).

Azim, T.; Hassan, M. (2002). Strategic Alliance: A conceptual framework, Journal of Business Administration, Vol. 28 (1).


Hassan, M; Hossain, S. Khan, H, F. (2024) Are these CSR activities important for me? CSR relevance and its impact on consumers’ behavioral outcomes. American Marketing Association’s (AMA) Winter Educators Conference, Florida, USA.

 Hassan, M., Nahid, S. (2024). How green claims influence consumers perceptions of brand innovativeness, British Academy of Management Conference, Nottingham, UK.

Hassan, M., Faiyaz, T, A., Chowdhury, N, A., Jahin, M., (2024). Examining the nature of the relationship between brand ethicality and purchase intention, ISMS Marketing Science Conference, Sydney, Australia.

 Pritha; K, C., Hassan, R., Quader, M., Chowdhury, R A., Hassan, M (2022) How E-Commerce brands can improve their brand innovativeness perception: Mediating Role of Perceived Quality, Australia & New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC), Perth, Australia.

Hassan, M.; Pappu, R.; Kelly, S.  (2021). New product preannouncement and brand innovativeness: Structured Abstract. Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, USA.

Hassan, M.; Pappu, R.; Kelly, S.  (2020) New product preannouncement effects on brand innovativeness: the mediating role of perceived risk American Marketing Association’s (AMA) Summer Educators Conference, San Francisco. 

Hassan, M.; Pappu, R.; Kelly, S. (2018) How new product preannouncement influence brand’s innovativeness, Australia & New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC), Adelaide, Australia.

Hassan, M.; Pappu, R.; Kelly, S.   (2018) The role of new product pre-announcements in shaping brand innovativeness: an empirical examination. Australia & New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC), Adelaide, Australia.

Hassan, M.; Casalo, L.; Belanche, D. (2016) The relevance of empathy on Facebook Brand Communities; AEMARK Spanish Marketing Conference, Leon, Spain. 

Hassan, M.; Casalo, L. (2015) Understanding waiting behavior: How other consumers help relieve stress within online communities; International Conference on Business, Finance and Administrative Sciences, Las Vegas, USA.

Casalo. L.; Hassan, M. (2015) LA DEVOCIÓN DEL CONSUMIDOR Y SU DEFENSA A LAS MARCAS EN COUNIDES MARCA EN FACEBOOK; AEMARK Spanish Marketing Conference, Pamplona, Spain.

Hassan, M.; Pervan, S.; Chowdhury, R. (2014) Customer-to-customer helping behavior and its implications to the marketers within brand communities of Facebook, American Marketing Association’s (AMA) Summer Educators Conference, San Francisco, USA.

Hassan, M.; Pervan, S. (2011) Brand Community Practices: How do they create value? Australia & New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Conference, Perth, Australia.

Hassan, M.; Islam, A., Chowdhury, R. (2005) Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case Study of British American Tobacco. 2nd International Business Research Conference; University of Technology (UTS), Australia.

Islam, A.; Hassan; M.; Chowdhury, R. (2004) Gaining Customer Knowledge through SERVQUAL, 5th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Paris, France.


Newspaper articles:

Op- ed: গবেষণা ও প্রকাশনায় বাংলাদেশের পিছিয়ে পড়ার দায় কার? প্রথম আলো (২ অক্টোবর, ২০২৩) Link


Awards and scholarhips

University of Queensland Research Training Scholarship for the PhD program in 2021 (Total value: 350,000 AUD). 

Post Graduate Student Research Support Funding from the University of Queensland in 2021 (Total value: 7000 AUD).

Post Graduate Student Research Support Funding from the University of Queensland in 2019 (Total value: 4000 AUD).

Received conference Support from the University of Queensland to attend ANZMAC conference in 2018 (Total value: 2300 AUD).

Endeavour International Post Graduate Research Scholarship (EIPRS) for the DBA at SCU (Total value: 150, 000 AUD).

Post Graduate Research Students Conference Allocation by Southern Cross University to attend Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy conference ANZMAC in 2011 (Total value: 1000 AUD).

Research Grants       

Received a research grant (principal investigator) for the project titled “Evaluation of Public Perception on Police Response & Service Delivery Status at Police Stations: A Study on DMP” by the Dhaka Metropolitan Police. Total value: BDT 24 million.  Year: 2024

 Received a research grant (principal investigator) for the project titled “Realistic Evaluation of the Health Education Intervention Delivery Approach and Identification of the Challenges for Targeted Audience” by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Total value: BDT 190 million. Year: 2023

Received a research grant (principal investigator) for the project titled “Feasibility Study for establishing 8 Divisional Branches of Physical Disabled Protection Trust, Maitri Shilpa to creating the job opportunities and improve the lifestyle of persons with disabilities of Bangladesh” by the Ministry of Social Welfare, Bangladesh. Total value: BDT 18 million. Year 2023

Received North South University Seed Grant as the principal investigator. Total value: BDT half a million. Year: 2023

Received a research grant (principal investigator) for the research grant project titled “Measuring the impact of L&HEP awareness initiatives” by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Total value: BDT 150 million. Year: 2023

Received North South University Seed Grant as the principal investigator. Total value: BDT half a million. Year: 2022

Ph.D in Marketing and Innovations from University of Queensland, Australia.

Doctor of Business Administration in Marketing from Southern Cross University, Australia.

MBA in Marketing from North South University.


School of Management and Enterprise. University of Southern Queensland (USQ).

Associate Professor & Head (Marketing department)

School of Business, Chittagong Independent University (CIU)


Centre of Excellence for Teaching and Learning (CETL) Chittagong Independent University.

Assistant Professor & BBA Program Coordinator

School of Business, Chittagong Independent University (CIU)

Lecturer & Research Assistant

Graduate College of Management; Southern Cross University.


School of Business, Independent University Bangladesh (IUB).

Principles of Marketing, Principles of Management, Marketing Management (Australia), Consumer Behavior (Australia), Brand Management, International Marketing, Services Marketing, Marketing Communications, Product and Pricing Policies, Marketing Research (Australia), Advertising and Promotions, Leading and Managing People (Australia), Knowledge Management (Australia) and Strategic Management (Australia and Bangladesh).

Editorial Board Membership:

Journal of Innovations in Digital Marketing Member, Editorial Board.

Reviewer (ad hoc):

Internet Research, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Journal of Product and Brand Management, Journal of Brand Management, Spanish Journal of Marketing, and Journal of Innovations in Digital Marketing.

 American Marketing Association (AMA), Academy of Marketing Science, Academy of International Business, and ANZMAC conferences.


American Marketing Association
Academy of Marketing Science
Marketing Science Institute
Academy of International Business
Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC)

Value creation

Consumer citizenship behaviour

Brand community

Brand innovativeness

Percieved risk

New product preannouncement

Country of origin