Center of Excellence in Higher Education
The First Private University in Bangladesh

Dr. Mehe Z. Rahman

Full Time Faculty

Associate Professor &
Director, BBA Programs at SBE

Ph.D. in Environment and Development National University of  Malaysia
MS in Production  Economics Bangladesh  Agricultural University

Phone: +880-2-55668200 Ext: 1702


Dr. Mehe Z. Rahman is an Associate Professor and Director, BBA program at North South University (NSU). Prior to joining NSU she held the same positions at South East University. Dr. Rahman earned her PhD from National University of Malaysia under the Commonwealth Scholarship. She stood First Class 1st position in both her MS and BSc degrees in Agricultural Economics from Bangladesh Agricultural University and was awarded Chancellor's Gold Medal for her achievement.  


  1. Mahmud Akhter Shareef, Ronnie Das, Jashim Uddin Ahmed, Anubhav Mishra, Ishrat Sultana, Mehe Z. Rahman, Bhasker Mukerji, Mandatory adoption of technology: Can UTAUT2 model capture managers behavioral intention? , Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 200, 2024, 123087, ISSN 0040-1625,
  2. F Ferdousi, Mehe Z .Rahman Human Resource Management Bundles during COVID -19 Crisis (2022) F Ferdousi, Mehe Z .Rahman Journal of Knowledge Globalization 14(1), 61-86
  3. Sustainable Green Marketing: Increasing Awareness of Recyclable items ( 2021) Mehe Z. Rahman , F.Ferdousi , Shabnin Rahman , Tanya A Chowdhury ( 21) North South Business Review12(1)
  4. Mehe Zebunnesa Rahman,Sohela Mustari,Tanya Ahmed &Samira Rahman (2022)“Domestic violence in developing countries: an evidence from Bangladesh” Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment
  5. Mahmood MEHRAAEIN, Rafia AFROZ, Mehe, R.,MUHIBBULLAH (2021), Dynamic Impact of Macroeconomic  Variables on the Ecological Footprint in Malaysia: Testing EKC and PHH*, Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, Vol 8 No 5 (2021) 0583–0593
  6. Mustari . S., Mehe .R.,, Sushmita (2021) "Life in School Closure: Effects of Coronavirus on the School-Going Children in Dhaka, Bangladesh", has been publishedUNESCO Prospects, Quarterly Review Comparative Education
  7. Eradicating poverty among waste workers through waste collection? A case study of Dhaka city has been published in the International Journal of Environment and Waste Management. (Scopus indexed) , 2020 Vol .26. No. 1 pp 85-101
  8. The Effect of the  Corona Disaster on Women: lockdown and Coronavirus from the lens of Social Science Background of the study.  Preprint May 2020
  9. Heavy Metal Accumulation in Leafy Vegetables are Grown In Industrial Areas Under Varying Levels Of Pollution. ISSN 0258-7122 (Print), 2408-8293 (Online) Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 43(1): 39-51, March 2018
  10. Challenges of waste management and recycling : untold stories from a developing country Mehe Z Rahman has been published in Journal of Environmental & Analytical Toxicology, , 2018
  11. Achieving Sustainable Livelihood Through Solid Waste Management In Dhaka City. International Journal of GEOMATE Volume 12, Issue 30 2017 (Page-19-27) ISSN:2186-2982.(Scopus Indexed)
  12. Solid Waste Recycling: Sustainability Issues In Dhaka City has been published in Journal of Developing Areas (JDA) Vol 51 Issue 3 2017
  13. Remediation of heavy metals polluted soil through organic amendments. Published in Bangladesh Journal of Agriculture Research (BJAR) in Volume 42 issue 4 2017 page 498-607
  14. Eradicating Poverty And Achieving A Sustainable Livelihood Through Solid Waste Management: A Case Study In Dhaka City has been published in Colloqium 2014 Lestari
  15. Adaptation of High Breed Paddy and its Future Consequence in Bangladesh: An Economic Analysis. Published in Bangladesh Research Publication journal Volume no:2 Issue no: 4.Page no 679-685 July-August .
  16. Return predictability in the stock market , A variance ratio test approach. Published in journal of the Bangladesh society for agricultural Science and Technology. Issue no 1and 2.volume 5 June 2008
  17. Income Generating Programmes for Women of analysis of BRAC. The Journal of the Bangladesh Society for Agricultural Science and Technology.Issue No. 3 & 4. Volume   lV December 2007 (page  209-214 )
  18. ‘Dimensions of Innovation in Commercial Banks.’  published in Centre for  Business Research . The Journal of school of Business Studies Southeast University. Volume   II   No.  1 January – June, 2006.  ISSN 1815-3262.
  19. Published Proceedings Papers
  20. Challenges of Waste Management and Recycling : Untold Stories from a Developing Country.9thWorldConventiononRecyclingandWasteManagement has been published on October 22-23, 2018 Osaka, Japan.
  21. Waste To Wealth: Sustainable Livelihood Of Waste Workers In Bangladeshhas been published  International  Seminar of Changing the Mountain Nepal held on 27-29 th October
  22. Solid Waste Management : Battle With Poverty has been published on 7th International  Seminar of Regional network on Poverty Reduction. 13-15th November Bangladesh
  23. Factors Affecting Waste Collection ;A Study Of Waste Management Program In Dhaka City.has been Presented in The 4th International Seminer Of Regional Network On Poverty Eradication ‘  Organized By Renper . At Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (Jeli Campus) On 23rd  Oct -25th Oct 2013 .
  24. Poverty Reduction Among Scavengers: A Logistic Analysis Of Bangladesh has been presented in ‘ Poverty Alleviation and Social Protection Conference  Bangkok ‘ON 9-11th March  2013 and published in proceedings Page no 131-143  ISBN 978-86-87043-15-2  organized by Tomorrow people organization http//
  25. Trends of Population Dynamics in Dhaka City of Bangladesh: Consequences and Challenges of Urban Poverty” has been accepted for the conference  and psesented“Population Dynamism of Asia: Issues and Challenges Ahead” to be held from 11-13 July 2011 at the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  26. Analyzing Primary Major Tropical Timber Market Developments in Malaysia has been accepted for the  4th Asian Business Research Conference, 23-24 December, 2010

1. Awarded Ph.D Program in 2016 under Commonwealth Scholarship Fellowship Plan (CSFP) Of Ministry of Higher Education of Malaysia   .
2. Awarded Shamsul Islam “Gold Medal” by Chancellor of Bangladesh Agriculture University, President of Bangladesh for outstanding results in the BSc.Ag. Econ. (Hons). The Medal was given in the University convocation held in 2003.
3. Awarded “Bangladesh Krishi Biswa Biddalaya Padak” for outstanding result in Bangladesh Agricultural University.
4. Obtained NST (National Science & Technology) Scholarship for working on the thesis captioned “Impact of Selected Rural Development Programmes of BRAC on Household income Generation through increase women participation in a selected area at Mymenshing District” which constituted as a part of requirement for M.S Degree.
5. Secured Scholarships on H.S.C and S.S.C examination results. Obtained also Junior Scholarship.

National University of Malaysia(UKM)

Ph.D., Environment Development and Management under Commonwealth Scholarship Fellowship Plan(CSFP) in 2016

Thesis Title: An Assessment On Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Livelihood through Solid Waste Management amongst Waste Workers In Dhaka City, Bangladesh

Bangladesh Agricultural University

MS in Agricultural Economics First Class 1st position.

B.Sc. in Agricultural Economics, First Class 1st position (Awarded Gold Medal from Chancellor of the University and the President of Republic of Bangladesh)

2022-present   Director, BBA Program and Associate Professor, Department of Management North South University 

2018- present   Director, BBA Program &Assistant Professor, Department of Management North South University, Bashundhara, Bangladesh

2016-2017  Director, BBA Program at Southeast University, Dhaka Bangladesh

2014-2015 Trainer in Concept, Approach and Methodology in Structural Equation Modelling (SEM),organized by LESTAR, National University of Malaysia (UKM)

2013- 2016 Assistant Professor (Study leave) Southeast University, Dhaka Bangladesh

2009-2012  Senior lecturer at Southeast University, Dhaka Bangladesh

2005- 2008 Lecturer, at Southeast University, Dhaka Bangladesh


Undergraduate: Principles of Microeconomics, Agricultural Marketing, Business Communication

Graduate: Business Reserch Methos

Facilitator:  Strengthening Market Access for Women –Owned Businesses, Organized by World Bank , WEConnect International and North South University

Facilitator: City Alo Entrepreneurship Certification, Program Organized by City Bank and North South University

Member, Bangladesh Agricultural Economics Association

 Member, Bangladesh Agriculture Association

Primary Fields: Economics, Statistics, Business Communication, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Marketing, Entrepreneurship

Secondary Fields: Sustainable Development, Green Marketing, Waste Management, Renewable Energy