Full-Time Faculty
Master of Arts in English Literature, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Bachelor of Arts in English, North South University, Bangladesh
Phone: +880-2-55668200 Ext: 6144
Email: khadiza.huda01@northsouth.edu
Office: NAC 933
Huda, Khadiza Naznin. (2022, June 15). The Formation of Identity Through Clothing and Fashion in Mulk Raj Anand's Untouchable and Susanna Moore's One Last Look, The English Showcase, Nottingham, United Kingdom. https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/english/documents/english-showcase/english-showcase-final-programme-2022.pdf
Huda, Khadiza Naznin. (2017). "A Thought", Poets Collide, edited by Amias Davies, Vol I, (North Carolina: Lulu Press), p.104.
Recipient of sponsorship from Embassy of China in Bangladesh and Confucius Institute Headquaters (Hanban) for Chinese language and culture immersion program in 2018, organized by Yunnan University.
Adjudicator, Impromptu Public Speaking Competition organized by Centre for Peace Studies and Department of english and Modern Languages at North South University on 28th February, 2024.
Adjudicator, Bakerman's 3rd International Language League, Organized by Department of English Modern Languages, North South University on 13th October, 2023 and 9th February, 2024.
Recipient of the Ibn Battuta Honorary Award 2023 by Bangladesh Poets Club.
Lecturer, Department of English and Modern Languages, North South University [July 2024 - Present]
Associate Editor: NSU News (January 2025 - Present)
Adjunct Lecturer, Department of English and Modern Languages, North South University [Spring 2023 - Spring 2024]
ENG 220: Introduction to Fiction
ENG 115: Introduction to Literature
ENG 111: Public Speaking
ENg 105: Advanced Composition
ENG 103: Intermediate Composition
Other research interest includes the writings of Jibanananda Das, D.H. Lawrence, Emma Roberts and Sarojini Naidu.