Full Time Faculty Technical Writing Specialist, Office of Research, North South University M.A. in Applied Linguistics, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore M.A. in Applied Linguistics and ELT, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh General Information Office Hour: |
Ms. Tania Rahman is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of English and Modern Languages of North South University. She is also working as the Technical Writing Specialist at the Office of Research of North South Unviersity since Spring 2022 till date.
Ms. Tania completed her MA in Applied Linguistics degree from the National Institute of Education of Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. She wrote her dissertation on language planning for indigenous minorities in Bangladesh. Her dissertation title was: A Framework for Language-in-Education Planning for Linguistic Minorities in Bangladesh. She also received MA in Applied Linguistics and ELT and BA Honors in English degrees from Department of English of Faculty of Arts, University of Dhaka.
She is proficient in Bangla as her native language and in English as her second language. She is also proficient in Hindi and Urdu and has basic language skills in Japanese and Arabic.
She is also skilled in qualitative research.
Ms. Tania Rahman has published papers with publishing companies such as Routledge, Taylor & Francis, and Springer.
Very recently, Ms Rahman received the AILA Solidarity Award for online and sustainable development (2023) for presenting her paper virtually at the hybrid conference entitled AILA 2023 Congress held at Lyon, France. Earlier, she also received the NSU CTRG research grant for the year 2019-20 and CTRG travel grant in 2024 for presenting the paper entitled “Collective forgetting of linguistic minorities in national identity construction in Bangladeshi language policies”, at the 2024 American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference in Houston, Texas on 19th March, 2024 and in 2022 for presenting her paper at the international conference INPRA 9 held in Queensland, Australia.
Book Reviews
Rahman, T. (2024). Linguistic landscapes in language and teacher education multilingual teaching and learning inside and beyond the classroom: edited by Sílvia Melo-Pfeifer, (2023). Singapore: Springer. XIX + 314 pp., Softcover ISBN 978-3-031-22869-8. Hardcover ISBN 978-3-031-22866-7. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-22867-4. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 1–5. https://doi.org/10.1080/13670050.2024.2394859
Rahman, T. (2023). Book Review: Rubina Khan, Ahmed Bashir, Bijoy Lal Basu, and Md. Elias Uddin (Eds.). Local Research and Glocal Perspectives in English Language Teaching: Teaching in Changing Times. (2022). Journal of Technology in Language Teaching & Learning, Book Review section.
Book Chapters
Rahman, T. (2024). In-service Teacher Training, Agency and teaching writing in English at a Bangladeshi university: A critical perspective. In Gilliland, B., Ene, E., Lee, S.H., Saenkhum, T., and Seloni, L. (Eds.), EFL Writing Teacher Education and Professional Development: Voices from Under-represented Contexts. Multilingual Matters.
Tang, C. and Rahman, T. (2023). Religiosity, risk, and language: A corpus analysis of Bangladeshi YouTube discourse about COVID-19. In S. Sultana, M.M. Roshid, Md Z. H., M. M. N. Kabir and O. Hamid (Eds.), “Sociolinguistics in Bangladesh: Voices of the unheard”. Routledge International.
Rahman, T. (2023). Multilingual teaching of English language in higher education in Bangladesh: A critical perspective (Section III, Chapter 12). In K. Raza, D. Reynolds, and C. Coombe, (Eds.,), Multilingual TESOL in Practice. Springer.
Rahman, T and Phyak P. (2021). Medium of Instruction, outcome-based Education (OBE) and language education policy in Bangladesh. In L. Adinolfi, U. Bhattacharya and P. Phyak (Eds), Multilingual education in South Asia: at the intersection of Policy and Practice. Routledge International.
Chee-Hoo Lum & Tania Rahman (2013). Contextualizing Band Directing in a Singapore Primary School: Questioning Function and Significance. Chapter 14, Part 6: Band Directing in Primary School. In Chee-Hoo Lum (ed.), Contextualised practices on arts education: An international dialogue on Singapore. Dordrecht: Springer. URL: http://www.springer.com/education+%26+language/book/978-981-4560-54-2
Published Journal Papers-Refereed
Rahman, T. (2010). A multilingual language-in-education policy for indigenous minorities in Bangladesh: challenges and possibilities, Current Issues in Language Planning, 11: 4, 341-59.
Rahman, T. (2010). Colloquial versus Standard in Singaporean Language Policies. Language in India, 10: 12 (December 2010), 1 – 27.
Cavallaro, F. P. and Rahman, T. (2009). Santals of Bangladesh. The Linguistics Journal. Special Edition (September 2009), Language, Culture and Identity in Asia, pp. 192-220.
Principal Investigator. CTRG 2019-2020 Research Grant. Project Title: Outcome Based Curriculum Design and Implementation: Problems, Strategies and Implications for English Language Teaching at two private universities in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Status: completed.
CTRG Travel Grant. (2024). For presenting the paper entitled “Collective forgetting of linguistic minorities in national identity construction in Bangladeshi language policies”, at the 2024 American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference in Houston, Texas on 19th March, 2024.
AILA Solidarity Award for online and sustainable development. (2023). For presenting the paper entitled “Agency in the teaching of English language in higher education in Bangladesh: A justification for multilingual TESOL in Bangladeshi higher education”, Session - [SYMP58] OPEN CALL - Social responsibility, at the 20th AILA Congress 2023 held online on 19th July, 2023, Lyon, France.
CTRG Travel Grant. (2022). For presenting the paper entitled “Praying at a distance in digital space: A corpus study of Bangla prayers as performatives in Bangladeshi YouTube discourse about COVID-19” virtually on 23 June 2022 at the INPRA 9 International Conference on Intercultural Pragmatics and Communication organized by the School of Languages and Cultures, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
The Online Professional English Network (OPEN) course, Spring 2022, funded by the US Department of State.
Certificate in Elementary Japanese Language Course by Institute of Modern Languages (IML), University of Dhaka (DU), 2017
University Merit Scholarship, University of Dhaka, 2004-2005
University Merit Scholarship, University of Dhaka, 1999-2004
Gold Medal, HSC result 1996
Gold Medal, SSC result 1994
State Award, Ministry of Education, 1996
Rotary International Award, 1996
MA (Applied Linguistics), National Institute of Education (NIE), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore
MA in Applied Linguistics and ELT (Jointly 3rd in the merit list), Department of English, University of Dhaka
BA Honors in English, Department of English, University of Dhaka
Senior Lecturer (Full Time), Department o English & Modern Languages (DEML), North South University
Lecturer (Full Time), Department of English & Modern Languages (DEML), North South University
Other Responsibilities:
Technical Writing Specialist, NSU Office of Research, (Spring 2022 – till date). Reviewing papers written for publication by faculty members of different disciplines at North South University.
Member, Institutional Curriculum Formatting Committee (ICFC) of IQAC, NSU (Spring 2019-till date). Worked on OBE-based curriculum formatting for BA in English of DEML.
Coordinator, DEML Discourse Series (Summer 2019-Summer 2022; Summer 2024-till date).
Co-ordinator, EAP Course English 102: Introduction to Composition (Fall 2017- Summer 2022)
Coordinator, MA Comprehensive Exam (Fall 2017- Summer 2022)
Worked for IQAC Physical Infrastructure Review Committee of DEML (submitted the Physical Infrastructure Review report on 30-04-2017)
Member, Drafting a proposal to Establish a Center of Excellence for Learning and Teaching (CELT) at North South University (March-May 2018)
Member, Drafting a proposal to design a program on Certification in Tertiary Education Teaching (CTET) at North South University (July-December 2018)
Tutor, Division of Linguistics & Multilingual Studies, School of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
Taught Fundamentals of Linguistics, Language in Society
Lecturer (Full Time), Department of English, American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB)
Courses Taught:
English Reading Skills and Public Speaking
English Writing Skills and Communications
Introduction to Sociolinguistics
Second Language Acquisition and Development
Phonetics and Phonology
Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis
Teaching Practicum
Lecturer (Full Time), Department of English, Dhaka City College
Taught English Language and Literature courses under National University curriculum
Research Associate, Office of Education Research (OER), NIE, NTU, Singapore
Research Assistant, Centre for Arts & Research Education, UNESCO/Department of Visual and Performing Arts (VPA), NIE, NTU, Singapore
Project: Images of Practice (Band Education), UNESCO-NIE Centre for Arts Research in Education (CARE), NIE, Singapore
Research Assistant, English Language & Literature (ELL), NIE, NTU, Singapore.
Conference Proceedings:
Presented a research paper entitled “Cultural responses to hybrid assessments in Bangladeshi English language classes” at the 2024 ELTSociety Annual Virtual Conference “Language Testing and Assessment: What is the Future?” held online on 08 November 2024.
Presented a research paper entitled “An integrated model of language policy and planning for linguistic minorities in Bangladesh”, Session - ReN 12: Language Policy Research Network (Hybrid), at the 61st AILA World Congress (21st Congress) 2024 held on 16th August, 2024, at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Presented a research paper entitled “Collective forgetting of linguistic minorities in national identity construction in Bangladeshi language policies”, at the 2024 American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference in Houston, Texas on 19th March, 2024.
Presented a research paper entitled “Agency in the teaching of English language in higher education in Bangladesh: A justification for multilingual TESOL in Bangladeshi higher education”, Session - [SYMP58] OPEN CALL - Social responsibility, at the 20th AILA Congress 2023 held online on 19th July, 2023, Lyon, France.
Presented a research paper entitled “Outcome-Based Education in Bangladeshi Higher Ed: Advocacy for Bilingual Policies”, Session ID 806, Session title: OBE in Bangladeshi HE: advocacy for a bilingual HE policy, at the TESOL 2023 International & English Language Expo Virtual held online on 04 April, 2023, Portland, Oregon, USA.
Co-presented a research paper entitled “Praying at a distance in digital space: A corpus study of Bangla prayers as performatives in Bangladeshi YouTube discourse about COVID-19” on 23 June 2022 at the INPRA 9 International Conference on Intercultural Pragmatics and Communication organized by the School of Languages and Cultures, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
Presented a research paper entitled “Hybridization of assessment strategies in English language classes in higher education in Bangladesh: insights from practitioners’ experiences during COVID-19 pandemic” on 11 December 2021 at the New Directions East Asia 2021 Conference organized by the British Council, UK.
Co-Presented a research paper entitled “The COVID-19 Crisis Adaptation in Higher Education Model for institutional resilience in higher education in Bangladesh” with Dr. Nazmun Nahar, Director, Institutional Quality Assurance Cell and Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh and Mohammad Shahadet Hossain, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Mathematics and Physics, North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh on 10 December 2021 at Panel 2- Research Presentation: Institutional Efforts for Academic Transformations on Day 1 at the STAR 2021 Global Conference. Conference URL: https://starscholars.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/JGU-STAR-2021-Conference-Schedule-December-10-12-2021.pdf
Presented a research paper entitled “Language shift and maintenance of a migrant tribal community in Dhaka and the need for a sustainable language maintenance plan for indigenous minorities in Bangladesh” on 03 September 2021 at 10:20 am at the International Conference on Entangled Englishes in Translocal Spaces organized by the Centre for Language Studies of the Department of English and Humanities, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Co-presented a research paper entitled “Religiosity, risk and language: a corpus analysis of Bangladeshi YouTube discourse about COVID-19” with Dr. Chris Tang, Lecturer in International Education & Applied Linguistics, School of Education, Communication & Society, King’s College, London, University of London at a webinar organized by the Discourse Series Seminars of the Department of English and Modern Languages, North South University on Saturday, 31 July 2021, 0700-0800 PM BD time/0100 PM UK Time.
Presented the report of the 2019-2020 Conference & Travel Grant entitled “Outcome based curriculum design and implementation: Problems, Strategies and Implications for English Language Teaching at two private universities in Dhaka, Bangladesh” with Dr. Sabreena Ahmed (Co-Investigator), Assistant Professor, Department of English and Humanities (ENH) at a webinar organized by the Discourse Series Seminars of the Department of English and Modern Languages, North South University and co-hosted by the Department of English and Modern Languages, North South University and the Department of English and Humanities (ENH), BRAC University, Dhaka, Bangladesh on Saturday, 27 February 2021, 0700-0830 PM BD time
Presented the paper entitled “Bi-/multilingualism, Language Shift and Maintenance of a Migrant Tribal Community in Dhaka: Implications for a Bi-/Multilingual Language-in-education Policy & Family Language Policy for Tribal Minorities in Bangladesh”, at Session 1 of the Regional IML two-day Conference on Language In Leap Year 2020 held on Day 1, 28 February 2020 organized by the Institute of Modern Languages, University of Dhaka.
Presented the paper entitled “The Relevance of Outcome Based Education (OBE) in English Language Teaching at the Tertiary Level and the Need for a Bi-/Multilingual Language-in-Education Policy in Bangladesh”, at Session 2 of the Regional IML two-day Conference on Language In Leap Year 2020 held on Day 1, 28 February 2020 organized by the Institute of Modern Languages, University of Dhaka.
Presented the paper entitled “Outcome Based Education (OBE), the debate on Medium of Instruction and the relevance of a Balancing Act in ELT in Bangladesh”, at a two-day International Conference on English Language and Literature entitled Rethinking Disciplinary Diversity: Challenges of Teaching English in the 21st Century held on Day 1, 15 November 2018 organized by the Department of English and Humanities, BRAC University at the BRAC University Campus 2.
Presented a research paper entitled "Outcome Based Education (OBE) and the debate on Medium of Instruction in ELT in Bangladesh" on 26th September (Wednesday) 2018 at 2pm at the School of Business Conference room sponsored and organized by IQAC, NSU.
Presented a research paper entitled "The Debate on Medium of Instruction and the Need & Prospect for a Balancing Act Approach in ELT in Bangladesh" organized by the Discourse Series of the Department of English & Modern Languages (DEML), North South University, on Sunday, September 30, 2018 at the PPG Conference Room (NAC 1058) at 13:00-14:30.
Presented a research paper entitled “Personal naming among the Santals in Bangladesh: Implications for maintenance of language and identity” at the 9th International Symposium on Bilingualism, 10-13 June 2013 Organized by Nanyang Technological University. Key sponsors: Nanyang Technological University, Multilingual Matters, John Benjamins, Cambridge University Press, Rutledge-Taylor and Francis Group, De Gruyter-Mouton and Springer
Eng 334: Sociolinguistics
Eng 307: Semantics & Pragmatics
Eng 311: Semantics
Eng 210: Introduction to Linguistics
Eng 200: Structure of English
Eng 105: Advanced Composition
Eng 103: Intermediate Composition
Eng 102: Introduction to Composition
Member, American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL)
Member, Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée or International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA)
Member, TESOL International Association
Member, British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL)
Alumnus, English Language and Literature (ELL) Academic Group, National Institute of Education (NIE), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Alumnus, Department of English, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Attended a training workshop on: "Formatting Curriculum in line with OBE" for the Faculty Members on Thursday, 18 April, 2019 at the Faculty Lounge, NSU.
Attended a workshop on 'Outcome Based Education (OBE) and Teaching for Active learning' for the faculty members of School of Humanities and Social Sciences organized by IQAC, NSU, 2018.
Participated at the IQAC workshop on ‘Writing a Course Outline’, NSU, 2018.
Attended a Roundtable Discussion on “The Role of Quality Higher Education in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goal [SDG # 4] in Bangladesh” sponsored and organized by the IQAC of NSU, 2018.
Attended the IQAC Seminar on "Work Life Balance", 2018, NSU.
Completed the IQAC/LEAD training on Module 1: Effective Communication and Delivery on 28 June 2018, NSU.
Completed the IQAC/LEAD training on Module 2: Personality Trait Analysis and Stress Management on 05 July 2018, NSU.
Completed the IQAC/LEAD training on Module 3: Student Psychology and Academic Fusion and Module 4: Time Management on 12 and 19 July, 2018, NSU.
Participated in a two-day workshop on Academic Research, Publication, and Teaching Skills by Drs. Eugene Hammond and Shyam Sharma from Stony Brook University, New York at NSU, 2018, NSU.
Participated at the Workshop: Following the Research Workflow using SCOPUS and Mendeley jointly organized by NSU Library and the Office of Graduate Studies, 2018, NSU.
Attended the IQAC Brainstorming Session on “Planning for Teachers Training Program at NSU”, 2018, NSU.
Participated at the workshop on “Author Workshop on Scholarly Writing & Intellectual Ethics 2017 – North South University, Dhaka" held on 06 December 2017 by Dr. Sangeeta Mehta, Director RSS Books, South Asia, Elsevier jointly organized by NSU Library and the Office of the Graduate Studies and Research, NSU.
Participated at the workshop entitled "Teacher Training and Creative Writing" by Dr. Razia Sultana Khan and Dr. Arifa Rahman organized by DEML, NSU on 04 August, 2017 , NSU.
Attended the seminar on Some Determinants of Active Learning by Prof. Syed Saad Andaleeb, PhD., Vice-Chancellor, BRAC University organized by the Office of Graduate Studies, NSU on 12 July, 2017.
Participated at the seminar on Scopus Database by Representative from Scopus, Mr. Vishal Gupta, organized by the Office of Graduate Studies, NSU on 08 June, 2017, NSU.
Received the first training on effective teaching methodology at the training program entitled ‘Outcome-based Education (OBE) and Effective Teaching’ for all NSU faculty members organized by Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of NSU on 03 November 2017, NSU.
Participated at the English Language Teacher Development Workshop organized by BELTA in collaboration with the English Department, University of Asia Pacific and supported by the American Center, US Embassy, Dhaka on 16 January, 2016 at the University of Asia Pacific, Dhaka.
Professional Activities
Article Editor. (2023). Journal: SAGE Open.
Article Reviewer. (2019-till date). Journals: SAGE Open, TESOL Quarterly, Journal of the Centre for English Teaching & Research (CETR), Dhaka University, Journal of Linguistics and Education Research.
Conference Proposal Reviewer. (2024, 2023). Reviewed 19 Applications for TESOL Convention 2025 and 21 applications for TESOL Convention 2024. TESOL International Association.
Award Reviewer. (2024, 2022). Reviewed 2 applications for TESOL Award for Distinguished Research for TESOL Convention 2023. TESOL International Association.
Reviewed 4 applications for TESOL Award for Distinguished Research for TESOL Convention 2025. TESOL International Association.
Moderator and Session Chair, a parallel session entitled “Revolutionizing Language Learning and Teaching” at the two-day International Conference on English Language and Literature entitled Rethinking Disciplinary Diversity: Challenges of Teaching English in the 21st Century held on Day 2, Friday, 16 November 2018 organized by the Department of English and Humanities, BRAC University at the BRAC University Campus 2.
Editorial Board Member, Journal of Linguistics & Education from 27 June 2018 to 26 June 2019 (ISSN: 2630-5097, Online)
Session Chair, Session 8.02, Wednesday, June 12, 2013 at the 9th International Symposium on Bilingualism, Nanyang Technological University.
In Bangladesh
Attended the Webinar on “Learning to write or writing to resist? Linguistic resistance and assertion of self by a primary school student” by Dr. Obaidul Hamid, Senior Lecturer, University of Queensland, Australia, on January 10, 2021 at 6 pm organized by Department of English and Humanities (DEH), University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB)
Attended the webinar on “Healthy Living during the COVID-19 Pandemic” conducted by Dr Tazia Sardar and Dr Md Abdullah Yusuf on Saturday, 12 December 2020 at 11 AM organized by IQAC, NSU.
Attended the webinar on “Historiography in Applied Linguistics” by Dr. Richard Smith, Warwick University, UK, on December 9, 2020, 2pm-3pm, São Paulo time, GMT -3 hosted by the Graduate Program in Applied Linguistics (LAEL), Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Attended the webinar on “How to assess reading and writing while teaching remotely?” by Ms. Claire Bradin Siskin, former lecturer, Department of Linguistics, University of Pittsburg, USA, on Thursday, December 3, 2020 AT 7 PM UTC+06 – 8 PM UTC+06 organized by Center for Language Studies (CLS) of University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB).
Attended an online class lecture on 'Marxist theory in Art and Literature' by Dr. John Molyneux, a British academician organized by the Department of English Language and Literature (DELL) of International Islamic Universiti Malaysia (IIUM), Malaysia on Monday 30 November 2020 from 6-8 pm (Bangladesh time).
Attended the Webinar on “Technological Affordance and Spatial Agency: Reconceptualizing Writing Pedagogy in times of Physical Distancing” by Dr. Anwar Ahmed, Assistant Professor, York University, organized by Center for Integrated Research on Culture, Language, Education and Development (CIRCLED) on 16 October 2020.
Attended the webinar on CoHASS PDF Seminar Series - "The Invocation of ‘Gender’ as an Ingredient in the Making of Flirting”, by Dr Ratih Oktarini on Wednesday 07 October 2020 from 03:00 PM - 04:30 PM (Singapore time; GMT+8) organized by College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Attended the Webinar on Interrogating English, English as a Medium of Instruction, and Internationalisation in Asia’s Higher Education by Dr. PHAN Le Ha, Senior Professor, Universiti Brunei Darussalam (Brunei) & University of Hawaii at Manoa (U.S.A), organized by Center for Integrated Research on Culture, Language, Education and Development (CIRCLED) on Friday, 25 September 2020 from 4:00PM – 5:30 PM.
Attended the webinar on "Instructional Planning: Quality of Teaching Materials and Strategies" on September 26, 2020 (Saturday) at 10.00am. by Prof. Dr. Nuraihan Mat Daud, Professor of English Language and Literature, International Islamic University Malaysia organized by IQAC, NSU.
Attended the webinar on "Approaches to Critical Thinking in Education" by Aida McLeod and Ian McLeod, organized by the Department of English and Humanities, BRAC University on 12th September 2020 from 17:00PM-19:00 PM (Bangladesh Time)
Attended the online workshop on “Use of technology for online class and examination” by Dr. Md. Sahadet Hossain, Chairman, DMP and Dr. Nafisa Noor, Assistant Professor, ECE, NSU, organized by IQAC, NSU on 20th August 2020, at 3.30 PM.
Attended the webinar titled “Implementing Higher Order Thinking Tasks in Secondary English Classrooms of Bangladesh” by Dr Sabreena Ahmed, Assistant Professor (ENH), Dr Asifa Sultana, Associate Professor (ENH) and Sheikh Mohammad Ali, Associate Professor and Training Specialist, National Academy of Educational Management (NAEM) on 7th August 2020 (Friday) from 7.30pm to 8.30pm (BDT).
Attended the webinar on “Alternative Assessment Approaches in Education during COVID-19 Pandemic” organized by Center for Integrated Research on Culture, Language, Education and Development (CIRCLED) on 18th July, 2020 at 7.30 pm.
Attended the seminar entitled "My Teaching Philosophy" by Prof. Dr. Syed Saad Andaleeb organized by IQAC, NSU held on Thursday, 27 Febrary 2020 at Syndicate Hall, NSU.
Attended the seminar entitled "Dynamic Language: Politics and Practices" by Dr Ahmar Mahboob, Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics, University of Sydney and Ms Monaliza H. Mamac, Research Coordinator and Program Manager, Free Linguistics Conference, held on 03 February 2020 from 0300-0430 pm at BRAC University.
Attended the Public Lecture entitled "Prospecting Research Studies Abroad: The Practicalities of Choosing Topics, UNiversities and Supervisors" by Dr. Raqib Chowdhury, Faculty of Education, Monash University, Australia, held on 19 December 2019 from 0300-0430 pm at ULAB Auditorium, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh, Campus A.
Attended the IML seminar entitled “Hard to Reach: The role of the Sylheti-Bengali diglossia, orality and multilingualism in promoting public health and community resilience amongst UK Bangladeshis during extreme weather events” by Dr. Chris Tang, Lecturer, Kings College London, UK held on Tuesday 02 July 2019 from 3-4 pm at the IML Auditorium.
Attended a plenary talk by Dr. Shyam Sharma, Dr. Cynthia Davidson, and Ms. MaryAnn Duffy from the State University of New York at Stony Brook, NY, USA, on "Research, Grant-writing, and Quality Assurance in the Humanities" organized by DEML, NSU on 27 May 2019 at 10:00 A.M. at Audi 801, NSU.
Attended the two day workshop "Research, Grant-writing, and Quality Assurance in the Humanities" conducted by Dr. Shyam Sharma, Dr. Cynthia Davidson, and Ms. MaryAnn Duffy from the State University of New York at Stony Brook, NY, USA, on 27 and 28 May 2019.
Attended a Guest Lecture entitled "Researchers, Research, and Ranking: An Ethical Context," by Dr. Mohammad Ataul Karim, member of NSU International Advisory Board and Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Operating Officer, University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth, Session chaired by Professor Dr. Atiqul Islam, Vice Chancellor of NSU, organized and sponsored by OR-NSU and Department of Political Science and Sociology on 11 March 2019 from 11:00AM-12:30PM at the Syndicate Hall.
Attended the Workshop on Outcome Based Education: Course Planning and Course Administration conducted by Professor Arshad M. Chowdhury, Dean SEPS organized by SHSS on 22 November 2018 from 4 - 7 pm at NSU Syndicate Hall.
Attended the IML Seminar entitled “The voices of beneficiaries of English In Action” by Dr. Obaid Hamid, Lecturer at the University of Queensland, Australia, organized by the Department of English Language, Institute of Modern languages (IML), University of Dhaka on 12 November 2018 from 3-5 pm at the IML Auditorium, IML, DU.
Attended a workshop on ‘Writing a Course Outline’ organized by the DEML Self Assessment Committee (SAC) of IQAC, NSU on Thursday, 8th November, 2018 at NAC1024 from 1:00PM-5:00PM.
Attended a Roundtable Discussion on “The Role of Quality Higher Education in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goal [SDG # 4] in Bangladesh” sponsored and organized by the IQAC of NSU on 25 October 2018, Thursday at 10:30 a.m. at the NSU Syndicate Hall.
Attended the Meeting with Honorable Vice-Chancellor and Pro Vice-Chancellor (Designate) on 17th September, 20l8 Monday with all full-time Faculty Members, at AUDI-801 (SAC: Level-8), NSU.
Attended the Meeting on National Mourning Day on August 15, 2018 held at the NSU Auditorium at 2:30 p.m., NSU.
Attended the IQAC Seminar on "Work Life Balance" for female faculty members only held on 26 July 2018 at the Faculty Lounge, NSU.
Lecture entitled “Cultural transfer, Rabindranath Tagore’s travels and travel writing” by Prof. Dr. Fakrul Alam, Pro-Vice Chancellor of East West University on Wednesday, 18 July 2018, NSU.
Seminar on “English, Bengali or Both?: In Tertiary Education in Bangladesh” organized by the Institute of Modern Languages (IML), University of Dhaka (DU) on 31 March 2018 at the IML Auditorium.
Seminar on “Language Policy and Human Development in a Globalized world” as part of the seminar series Alokito Shokal organized by the Institute of Modern Languages (IML), University of Dhaka (DU), at the IML Auditorium.
Lecture entitled "Confidence Building is Central to English Language Teaching in the South Asian Post Colonies" by Dr. Asantha U. Attanayake Barborich on November 22, 2017 at DEML Conference Room (NAC 1024) organized by the DEML Discourse and Colloquium Series, DEML, NSU.
Workshop on Turnitin for checking plagiarism conducted by the Office of Graduate Studies on 15 November 2017 at Dean's Conference Room (SAC 620), NSU.
Public lecture on "Why You Should Love GMOs" by Professor Sir Richard J. Roberts jointly organized by the Office of External Affairs and the Office of Graduate Studies on 29 March, 2017 at NSU Plaza.
Lecture on “The reality of linguistic discrimination” by Dr. Garga Chatterjee on 16 February, 2017 organized by the DEML Colloquium & Discourse Series at MPPG Conference Room (NAC 1058), NSU.
Lecture entitled "Cross-linguistic Composition: Writing Skills and Self-report Strategies of University Students in Bangladesh" by Dr. Mohammad Shamsuzzaman, PhD and Asst. Prof. of DEML, NSU, organized by the DEML Colloquium & Discourse Series, NSU held on 03 October 2016 at Faculty Lounge, NSU.
Team Building Workshop 1: Awareness Building Workshop on Self-Assessment and Quality Assurance of Department of English, Department of Economics, and Department of Media & Mass Communication on 04 August, 2016 at the Media Studio (Level 13), FASS Building, Campus 7, American International University Bangladesh (AIUB).
Workshop on Teaching Writing organized by Department of English, AIUB, and conducted by Ms. Tahmina Ahmed, Professor, Department of English, University of Dhaka, and Team Leader, INSPIRE DEWS and Ms. Nehrir Khan, Assistant Professor, Department of English, University of Dhaka
Workshop entitled “Overview of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) and Using It to Teach Culture” on 01 October 2015 conducted by Claire Bradin Siskin organized by Department of English, AIUB
In Singapore
Seminar: "Exploring Shanghainese Topic Markers: From Cues to Outcomes"by Professor John Newman, University of Alberta, Canada, 7 Feb 2014.
Seminar: "Eating and Drinking: A Cognitive Linguistic Perspective", by Professor John Newman, University of Alberta, Canada, 17 Jan 2014.
Seminar: "Key Considerations in Developing Writing Systems", by Dr. J. Andrew Ring, The Seed Company, Research and Development Consultant, Cluster Projects Language Survey, Orthography and Literature Development, 13 Jan 2014.
Seminar: "Malagasy Linguistic History and the Influence of African Languages" by Dr Alexander K Adelaar, Fellow in Residence, Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS).
Seminar: "Burmese Script: System and Diachronic Background" by Dr Hideo Sawada, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 26 Nov 2013.
Seminar: "Structures of Affiliative Responses in English : From a Japanese Perspective" by Dr Hiroko Tanaka, University of Essex, 14 Nov 2013.
Seminar: "Linguistic Descriptive Bias and the Nature of Grammar" by Dr Rik De Busser, Graduate Institute of Linguistics, National Chengchi University, 8 Nov 2013.
Seminar: "Referential effects on argument coding in ditransitive constructions" by Professor Dr, Martin Haspelmath, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Germany, 7 Oct 2013.
Seminar: "Overview of NLP for Information Extraction in Fuji Xerox" by Dr Ohkuma Tomoko, University of Bern, Switzerland, 3 Oct 2013.
Seminar: "On the development of converbal and attributive hearsay evidential as finite structures: Diachronic evidence from Korean and Japanese" by Dr Yap Foong Ha, Department of English, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 24 Sept 2013.
Seminar: "Introduction of a Research lab of Rakuten, a Global e-commerce company" by Dr Satoshi Sekine, New York University, 13 Sept 2013.
R Workshops: by Professor John Newman, Visiting Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Workshop 1 - 3: 10, 17 & 24 Sept Workshop 4 - 6: 8, 22 & 29 Oct.
Seminar: "From Tibeto-Burman to Trans-Himalayan" by Professor George van Driem, University of Bern, Switzerland, 11 Sept 2013.
Seminar: "Contact versus Parallel Development in Balkan Evidentials" by Professor Victor Friedman, University of Chicago, 9 Sept 2013.
Seminar: “Diversification and Diachronic Change in Sinitic “Classifier Systems: The Cases of Waxiang (Xiangxi) and Southern Min”, by Professor Hilary Chappell, Ecole Des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 2011.
Symposium: Language and Diversity organized by the Centre for Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (CLASS) and Division of Linguistics and Multilingual Studies, Nanyang Technological University, held at the Nanyang Executive Centre (NEC), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 5 – 6 March, 2009
Seminar: “Cultural Basis of Teaching English as an International Language” delivered by Professor Dr. Sandra McKay, NIE, Singapore, 31 July, 2009
Workshop: “Exploring the Nature of Proficiency and Professional Development in Language Teaching” delivered by Professor Dr. Jack C. Richards organized by the English Language and Literature (ELL) Academic Group, NIE, Singapore, 4 September, 2009.