Center of Excellence in Higher Education
The First Private University in Bangladesh

Dr. Shakila Nur

Full Time Faculty
Assistant Professor

Ph.D., University of Tasmania, Australia     
M.A., University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

Phone: +880-2-55668200 Ext: 6344
Office: NAC 944

Curriculum Vitae


1. Nur, S. (2024).  Social Inclusion, Language Education, and the SDGs: Perspectives from the Rohingya Community in Bangladesh.  Language and Sustainable Development: Policies, Practices, and Perceptions in the Global South.  Routledge, NY.

2. Nur, S., Farzana, A. (2024). Exploring gender representation in government-mandated English language textbook of class 8 in Bangladesh. SN Soc Sci, 4 (67). SPRINGER. [SCOPUS]

3. Nur, S. (2024). "I do not belong here": Language attitude and identity development among the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh. In S. Sultana, N. Kabir, Z. Haider, M. Roshid. O. Hamid (Eds.), Language in Society in Bangladesh and Beyond: Voices of the Unheard in the Global South (1st ed., pp. 140-156). Routledge, NY.

4. Islam, M. A., Nur, S., & Talukder, Md. S. (2021). E-learning in the time of COVID-19: Lived experiences of three university teachers from two countries. E-Learning and Digital Media18(6), 557-580. SAGE. [SCOPUS, Q 2]

5. Nur, S., Short, M., & Ashman, G. (2020). "From the infrastructure to the big picture": A critical reading of English language education policy and planning in Bangladesh. In S. Sultana, M. Roshid, Z. Haider, M. Khan, N. Kabir (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of English Language Education in Bangladesh (1st ed., pp. 17-32). Routledge, NY.

6. Mohiuddin, K., Islam, M. A., Sharif, M., Nur, S., Talukdar, M. S., Alghobiri, M. (2020). Enumeration of Potential Teaching Methods in Higher Education: A Cross-disciplinary Study. Education Research International, 2020,1-17 [SCOPUS, Q 3] 

7. Nur, S. & Short, M.(2020). Secondary English language teacher educators: Voices from Bangladesh. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(6), 2251 - 2260. doi: 10.13189/ujer.2020.080608.

8. Hedayati, M., Nur, S., Emery, S., & Pavlyshyn, H. (2020). Enriching personal growth and communicative competence through self-organised interaction between native and non-native speakers.  Aussie Sino-Studies, 6(4), 11-19.

9. Nur, S. (2019). The Struggle this Time is the Struggle for Our Independence: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s Historic 7th March Speech. Advances in Language and Literary Studies10(2), 107-120.

10. Nur, S., & Short, M. (2019). Factors affecting the quality and efficacy of an ELT-INSET: A case study of Bangladesh. Waikato Journal of Education, 24(1), 55-66. [Q 4]

11. Nur, S. (2018). Secondary English Language Teacher Capacity: Insights From Bangladesh. International Journal of Education and Literacy Studies6(4), 163-174.

12. Nur, S., & Islam, M. A. (2018). The (Dis)Connection between Secondary English Education Assessment Policy and Practice: Insights from Bangladesh. International Journal of English Language Education6(1), 100-132, DOI:

13. Emery, S. G., Pavlyshyn, H., Hedayati, M., & Nur, S. (2016). Crossing cultural boundaries with a cuppa: a case study of cultural wellbeing within a postgraduate peer circle. Proceeding of Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Conference 2016: transforming education research(pp. 1-10).

14. Nur, S. (2015). Analysis of interpersonal meta-function in public speeches: A case study of Nelson Mandela’s presidential inauguration speech. The International Journal of Social Sciences30(1), 52-63.

15. Nur, S.(2011). From self to ideal self: Re-theorizing L2 motivation.  KSAALT TESOL Journal1(1).

16. Nur, S. (2009). Motivation: an affective domain for an effective language teaching. ELT project publication, American Centre, Bangladesh.


NSU-CTRG Research Project

1. English language education, social (in)justice and symbolic violence: critical insights from Bangladesh. (Completed)

2. Postmemory and the Rizhomorphic Narrative Discourse: The Collective Consciousness of the 1971 Liberation War of Bangladesh

  • UTas International Post-graduate Research Scholarship
  • Dhaka board scholarship
  • Doctor of Philosophy (2019)

           Faculty of Education,

           University of Tasmania, Australia.

  • Graduate Certificate in Research (2017)

           Faculty of Education,

           University of Tasmania, Australia.

  • TESOL Certificate (online) 

           University of South Carolina, USA.

  • M.A in Applied Linguistics and ELT 

           University of Dhaka.

  • B.A (Hons) in English 

           University of Dhaka.


  • Assistant Professor (Jan 2020-till date),  DEML, North South University 
  • Lecturer (Sep 2009-Jun 2015)

           Department of English, Faculty of Languages and Translation

           King Khalid Univeristy, Abha- KSA.

  • Lecturer (Jan 2007-Aug 2009)

           Department of English

           Presidency University, Gulshan- Dhaka.

  • Adjunct Faculty (Aug 2008-Aug 2009)

          Department of English

          Independent University, Bangladesh, Dhaka.


Research Methodology 

Testing and Evaluation

Syllabus Design and Curriculum Development

TESOL Material Development

Teaching Practicum

Teaching Langauge Skills

Mosrphology and Syntax


English Language education policy

Social (in)justice, capabilities and quality of education

Teacher education

Testing and evaluation

Discourse analysis

Values education